P. 10


        TEMPERA PAINT                                PRINTER PAPER                                         MATS AND MATBOARD

         Tempera paint is an opaque water-                                                                 Another happy discovery for me was
         based paint. Like water-color, it can       A whole new world of “collage fodder” opened          Crescent matboard pre-cut without
         be softened with water once dry.            up to me eight or ten years ago when I started
                                                     printing out curated photographs on plain             openings in an11 x 14” size. I order

         Acrylic paint, on the other hand,           printer paper with my Epson inkjet. These             packages of 25 sheets from a company
                                                                                                           called Clear Bags for less than $10 for the
         cannot be removed or manipulated            images absorb beeswax wonderfully, and also           whole package.
         once dry. The advantage of this is          support tempera paint for “veiling.”
         that you can add layers without                                                                   These matboards can be painted, gessoed,
         disturbing the layer beneath. Acrylic,      k                                                     and used for substrates in all kinds of
         applied straight from the tube, dries                                                             projects.  The boards come in other sizes,
         rather like plastic so is very different                                                          as well. When you order an assorted pack,
         from poster paint and the two                                                                     you may get a bunch of different colors,
         should not be mixed.                                                                              but that’s kind of fun. You can paint them
                                                                                                           white or back and start from there, or just
         Poster paint is an inexpensive                                                                    leave the original color and work with that.
         version of tempera paint. It is water                                                             Or you can turn them over and use the
         based, dries to chalky rather than a                                                              back, which is almost always white.
         glossy finish, and is impermanent. it
         remains soluble in water even after                                                               These 11 x 14” matboards are the bases
         it has dried.                                                                                     for the workboards used in this eBook. And

                                                                                                           you can actually use them to cut mats!
         I love both kinds of paint for              I love the velvety feel of regular old printer
         different uses. And they can be             paper. It is sturdy enough to stand up to a
         used together - but separately. For         certain amount of watermedia on the suface,
         example, if you are working on a            and it tears beautifully. Inkjet printing makes it
         collage that is veiled with tempera         easy to use your personal photos in your work.
         paint and you want to make it more
         permanent after it is complete, you         Pigment inkjet prints on archival quality paper
         can put a thin layer of matte acrylic       could last with no visible fading for 75 - 400+
         medium over it to seal it.                  years, depending on quality of framing and

                                                     display conditions. Espon Bright White Paper is
         My favorite use of tempera paint is         about $9 a ream (500 sheets). You can create a
         as a base for beeswax - they work           lot of custom collage fodder for that price!
         beautifully together.

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