Page 2 - Summer 2023 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
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Tags and Swipes, Summer 2023

                                             Table of Contents
           Chorus Directory…………………………………..45             From the Membership Coordinator..……...….…..5
           Chorus Lines……………………………………..9-46              From the Team Coordinator…………,……………3
           Contest Weekend Awards……………………..47-51         Mark Your Calendar………...……..…………..…52
           Copy Deadline and Advertising Rates…………..52   Regional Announcement..………………………….7
           From the Education Coordinator….…………..…4      Regional Positions Available!..............................8

                            CONTEST CANDID PHOTOS AVAILABLE!

       Did you know there are hundreds of candid photos from this past contest in Springfield available
       for viewing and purchasing? There are many fabulous shots - be sure to check them out:

       Article Guidelines

       Whenever possible, please submit articles in .doc or .pdf format; or within an email.

       Avoid using Specialty fonts as they may not transfer over to the program I’m using; if you would like to
       retain the fonts, save your document as a pdf file.

       Photos should be high quality – (please note: editor has discretion to limit photographs based on space.)
       Photos should also be attached to the article and not embedded, unless it’s within a pdf file.

       In harmony,

       Jessie Caynon
       Tags and Swipes Editor


                            North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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