Page 4 - Summer 2023 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
P. 4

Tags and Swipes, Summer 2023

                                From our Education Coordinator

        Holy Macaroni! What a wonderful contest weekend we had! We were back “home” in Symphony Hall
        and it felt sooooooooooooo good. Great to see everyone strut their stuff across the stage. And to hear the
        judges were impressed with our vocal skills! OH YEAH! Great work, everyone, for getting back to a great
        new starting place to blossom more!
        It was interesting to watch contest this year as your Education Coordinator. I have to say that each one of
        you who crossed the stage made me feel so proud of you – for hanging together during COVID – and for
        performing so well. I don’t care what your numbers said. There was good singing up there no matter the
        size of the chorus. And quartets – you outdid yourselves. You should all feel so satisfied. This really was
        our first year without masks and on stage in person. Finally!

        Before I go on about all that is ahead – I want to take the time to thank Priscilla Schoelzel for being our
        DCP Coordinator for all these years. She has manned that position, facilitating the tests and program that
        creates Directors. She’s done it for as long as I can remember and managed it with aplomb. She is
        stepping down this year and handing it off to Carole’ Mensing, who will be ushering new applicants into
        the program. But without the solid watch of Priscilla, we would not have so many prepared Directors and
        Musical people with Certificates to indicate their achievement! Thank you, Priscilla, for all you have
        given to the Region.

        Now back to “up and coming”! I hope you are going to bring your voices to 4 Part Frenzy JULY 29! We
        need more quartets in our region! Come find some people to sing with by having a great day singing
        tags! You need to register ($10/fee) to come because we need to know what “parts” we have singing and
        we need you to keep track of your singing exploits – you need to sing with everyone there! The
        information is on the Website!

        Ryan Heller is ready to come to our Colors of Harmony weekend September 22-24! Ryan is a bundle of
        energy and teaches with that energy and fun! I am planning that weekend as we speak! I may have a
        surprise for the Musical Leadership for that weekend. And we have two Saturdays in the winter I am
        planning – I LOVE PLANNING! I really do!
        Since I have the Chorus and Quartet Observation Forms from the Judges and my own evil eye as I
        watched the contest, I’m trying to find the education we need to find new ways to up our game and having
        fun along the way.

        As always – your ideas are welcome!

                                   Karen Sweeters
                                   Region 1 Education Coordinator


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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