Page 14 - Fall 2021 Tags and Swipes
P. 14
Tags and Swipes, Fall 2021
Island Grove Chorus
Island Grove Chorus (IGC) Members agreed (via replies to a chorus survey) to rehearse indoors during the
summer of 2021.
Previously, IGC had rehearsed outside, in a parking lot, with masks on, weather permitting. The noise
factor during these outdoor rehearsals was a severe limitation, as well as the ever-changing weather. When
IGC began its summer indoor rehearsals, without masks muffling our sound or restricting our breathing, our
singing became energized, joyous, and full of sound!
IGC has been nicknamed “The Chorus That Makes You Smile”. We’re proud to accept this title, and wish
to remind our fellow SAI Members that IGC seeks a Director. Please contact Mary at (978)-764-1856 or
Addie at (508)-864-2676 to inquire about IGC’s directorship position.
IGC was honored with a visit from Region One’s Becky King at our recent Tuesday evening
rehearsal. Her enthusiasm and knowledge brought a welcome perspective to IGC…not to mention, another
great voice for that rehearsal!
The photos below and on the next page show: 1) IGC rehearsing harmonies. 2) IGC’s physical warm-
ups 3) A partial representation of IGC’s summer attendees, including a potential new member. We are a
chorus with stamina and heart, and we welcome all who try us out!
Adelene Ellenberg
(continued on the next page)
North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines