Page 10 - Fall 2021 Tags and Swipes
P. 10

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2021

       Cranberry Shores Chorus

       As 2021 commenced, the Cranberry Shores Chorus continued its weekly ZOOM rehearsal calls.
       Additionally, the Regional Education Team did an outstanding job bringing expert barbershoppers into our
       homes - an unexpected bonus of being in lockdown – and many of us took advantage of these classes.
       In early June, our Board reviewed the SAI “Singing in Person” policy, and decided to return to in-person
       rehearsals beginning July 6 , alternating each week with ZOOM to accommodate members who are not
       comfortable with in-person singing. We rehearsed outside in a lovely open space that includes a gazebo
       with wonderful acoustics. Some wore a mask and some didn’t, but we all enjoyed seeing each other again.
       And boy was it fun to lock chords again and hear the ring. It also showed us how much work we have to
       do to gain back our vocal skills.

       Every year for as long as I can remember, Cranberry Shores has sung the National Anthem at a Cape Cod
       Baseball League game and we continued the tradition this year in early August. Twelve out of sixteen
       members plus our director were able to participate. And the “extraordinary trooper of the century” award
       goes to our Director, Sally Beck, who had both hips replaced in May and then July, but showed up to direct
       us anyway!

                                           (continued on the next page)
                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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