Page 12 - Fall 2021 Tags and Swipes
P. 12

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2021

       Farmington Valley Chorus

     The In’s and Outs of Farmington Valley

     We’d been braving the great outdoors… then cherishing indoors… and once again we’re back outdoors (stupid

     Our normal church rehearsal site is re-doing their multi-purpose room and their parking lot. We’re not getting
     in there anytime soon, so we were outdoors at the church’s secondary parking lot in front of their boy scout
     hall. It has convenient steps, kind of like risers, but they wouldn’t let us in to use the bathroom, or to escape
     the killer mosquitoes that descended as the sun went down, or when the heat was oppressive (it wasn’t the
     heat – it was the humidity). So that was out. We traveled down the road a titch to another church and were
     inside when the mask mandates were lifted. Wahoo! For a couple of weeks we really enjoyed being together,
     unmasked, singing and laughing, and doing fun physical warmups with Betsy… and then bummer – the variant
     put us outside again. It’s not so bad though, except sometimes the hum of the airplanes flying overhead is in
     the wrong key for whatever song we’re trying to start.

     We’ve had a steady stream of 20+ members attending each week. Some are sitting it out to come back in when
     they feel it’s safe, and we’ve had a few new members come in to join us. We sang in Mayu (top left picture)
     and Carly (top right picture) who both stuck it out with us in the Zoom days, and Rebecca (bottom, center
     picture) all the way from New Orleans who moved in to Connecticut just before the shut down. We’ve got two
     more potential members waiting in the wings learning their audition music and can’t wait to get out with us.

                                           (continued on the next page)
                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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