Page 8 - Fall 2021 Tags and Swipes
P. 8

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2021

                                            Chorus Lines

      Berkshire Hills Chorus

        The Hills Are Alive!

        The hills in Berkshire County are alive with the sound of music and song via Zoom every other Tuesday.
        Special thanks to Zoom Rehearsal Committee Jill Topham, Janie Pellish, Marsha Cohen, Leslie Murray,
        Jen Sevey and Maria Brodeur for bringing us together during this challenging time.

        On April 20 our Chorus installed new Team members. Mary Davis will be Team Leader, Jill Topham,
        Leslie Murray, Marcy Cohen (Membership), Janie Pellish (Chorus Manager), Laurie Boudreau (Financial),
        Barb Hyland , Pam Basinski (Music Committee), and Maria Brodeur ( Secretary).   We are looking
        forward to a great year!

        May 29 was a special evening for us. We gathered for our first social event since March 2020. We
        honored our Chorus friend Teresa Kryzystof who passed away last November. We decorated river stones
        with special messages and placed them in a flower planter. A group of us brought the planter to St. Joseph
        Cemetery and placed them on her grave. We sang her favorite song, “Can You Feel the Love Tonight”
        and “How We Sang”. This was a beautiful reunion for us, and Teresa will remain in our hearts forever.

        As we begin to slowly socially gather safely, we can continue our tradition of singing together again and
        loving the joy of harmony. We have begun to sing together at the McKay Street parking garage adjacent to
        our rehearsal space. The acoustics are great and the joy we feel to be singing together in person is

        We are Berkshire Hills Chorus Strong and back in the Berkshires!

                                                                                Maria Brodeur


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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