Page 6 - Fall 2021 Tags and Swipes
P. 6

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2021

                                From our Education Coordinator

       Hi Region 1!
       Since I was a loser and didn’t write anything for the Tags and Swipes in the Spring, I’m here for you now!
       You know that didn’t mean I wasn’t thinking about you all and what we could do to have fun at our Colors
       of Harmony weekend in September – and by now you know that we have to take a quick turn and be
       virtual.  At the moment I am writing this – I just found out yesterday that the hotel is letting us off the hook
       so I can only tell you that Dale will still teach – virtually and I am now going back to square one to see
       what I can do to give you a fulfilling weekend!

       I hope what you saw from the Schedule I did plan that there were some different personal instruction
       possibilities. I hope that excited you a bit. We do have a new Regional Song “WALKING ON
       SUNSHINE” – a Deke Sharon fun a cappella song for us to sing together – eventually – sigh. So snag that
       off the website and start learning it! Maybe I’ll have sectionals virtually.

       And – my team and I are playing around with a novel approach to Winter 1derland Weekend in January.
       Right now our decision still gather together but to Zoom in our faculty to avoid weather issues. We are
       going have a variety of teachers – stay tuned. We have a plan for LOTS of singing. We are playing with
       some ideas to make it different - more details to come.  Let’s hope Covid, Delta or whatever variant
       decides to pop up will not be an issue.

       The Pandemic has taught us all to be more comfortable with technology and aware of how great teaching
       can be with it. We are planning for a virtual component for all our Events for those who can’t make it.
       Again – that takes manpower and figuring out, so stay tuned. Ideas are churning and things are being
       shaken up!

       It’s important to me that we all participate in some way with the Regional events. I will be asking you for
       your input. So make sure to try them out!  Ideas for September and January – email me your ideas!

                                  Karen Sweeters
                                  Region 1 Education Coordinator


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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