Page 17 - Program Guide Final 18-19 2
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Come for the skills......... Stay for the challenge!
Health Science I (5550) Clinical Studies Program (12 Grade Students) (2 units)
Spring Semester Only (5560)
The first of four courses offered to students interested in pursuing a career
in the healthcare field. During this course, students are introduced to Clinical Studies is a one-year course for high school seniors. It is designed
healthcare history, careers, legal and ethics, cultural diversity, infection to enable students to gain immediate employment as a Certified Nursing
control, professionalism, communication, basics of the organization of Assistant and to make informed decisions on career objectives through
healthcare facilities, and types of healthcare insurance. The knowledge that education. Students will participate in classroom, laboratory, and long-
students learn in Health Science I serve to prepare them for future clinical term care clinical experiences. Students must maintain a grade of “C”
experiences such as job shadowing or internships as they advance in the or better to participate in the clinical component of training. The Nurse
Health Science courses. Aide Exam will be given for certification to work. Prior to entering the
clinical phase of training, students will need to show proof of a negative
(Prerequisite: None) tuberculin skin test.
*Required course to be considered a completer (Prerequisite: Health Science I, II, and III* with a 75 or higher or teacher
recommendation (*Health Science III may be substituted with Science
Department Anatomy& Physiology, Medical Terminology or AP Biology))
Health Science II (5551)
Applies the knowledge and skills that were taught in Health Science 1, Medical Terminology Honors*(5540) (*Medical
while further challenging the students to learn more about the healthcare Terminology -AHS 102)
field. Health Science II will continue teaching in more detail, the units of
study that include advanced study of infection control. Students will be This course is a one-semester course to prepare students strongly
certified in First Aid and CPR in this course. Career pathways and scenarios interested in a health career. It will give the student a structured exposure
are introduced through each section. This course provides a foundation for to the interdisciplinary team approach in delivering health care in the
further advancement in Health Science. community and will encompass many disciplines. Curriculum will include:
review of infection control, safety, vital signs, CPR and AED training, body
(Prerequisite: Health Science I with a grade of 70 or better, or instructor system.
(Prerequisite: Biology or instructor recommendation)
*Required course to be considered a completer
Health Science III Honors* (5552) (*Medical Vocabulary/ Sports Medicine I (5555)
Anatomy AHS 104)
Sports Medicine I emphasizes sports medicine career exploration
and the prevention of athletic injuries, including the components of
A semester course designed for the student interested in entering a
medical/allied health career. Anatomy of the Human Body Systems with the exercise science, kinesiology, anatomy, principles of safety, first aid,
recognition and understanding of Medical Terminology is used daily in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and vital signs. Subject matter also
health field. This course prepares the student for college level anatomy. includes legal issues, members of the sports medicine team, nutrition,
protective sports equipment, environmental safety issues, taping and
(Prerequisite: Health Science I and II with a grade of 70 or better, or instructor wrapping, mechanisms of injury, and application of other sports medicine
recommendation) concept.
(Prerequisite: Biology or instructor recommendation)
*Dual Credit is available for courses marked with an asterisk (*) above. Sports Medicine II (5556)
To earn dual credit, students must meet the admissions requirements
for Spartanburg Community College. In addition, students earning dual Sports Medicine II emphasizes the assessment and rehabilitation of athletic
credit will complete assignments that are above and beyond normal class injuries. Subject matter will include discussion of specific conditions and
expectations. injuries that may be experienced by individuals participating in athletic
activities. In addition, the use of appropriate therapeutic modalities
and exercise in the care and rehabilitation of injuries will be examined.
Advanced concepts related to the administrative aspects of the sports
medicine program will also be covered in this course.
(Prerequisite: Sports Medicine I with a grade of 70 or better, or instructor