Page 18 - Program Guide Final 18-19 2
P. 18


                                          Come for the skills.........  Stay for the challenge!

                                            Business Management and Administration

          Business programs prepare students for a wide range of executive, administrative, and managerial occupations such as
          administrative service managers, educational administrators, financial managers, general managers and top executives. Many
          positions in business require extensive training, education, or work experience in other disciplines.
                                                       Courses Offered

          (5093) This course is designed to provide
          students with a basic understanding of   (5044) - This course is designed to provide   (5092)-Students  will  learn  the
          Human Resources Management and its role   the students with knowledge of the legal   fundamental activities and decisions
          in business.                         environment in which a consumer operates,   that are crucial to successful business
          *Required course to be considered a   to provide students with knowledge of   management.   Areas  covered  include
          completer                            the legal environment in which a business   business organization, ethical and legal
                                               operates, and to provide students with   responsibilities, communication,  decision-
                                               knowledge of legal principles.       making, personnel, safety, professional
                                               *Required course to be considered a   development and related careers. By
                                               completer                            gaining an understanding of these areas,
                                                                                    students will be better prepared to enhance
                                                                                    the business decisions of tomorrow.

          *Integrated Business Applications I at the home high school can be
          counted toward completer recognition.

                          HS: Service sector jobs along
          2-yr: Legal Secretary, Court Reporter, Paralegal, Assistant in a Law
                         Office, Business Setting or Court
          4-yr: Lawyer, Human Resource Manager/Director, Judge, Insurance
          Manager, Business Owner, Business Manager, Medical Professional,
                 Educational Administrator, Teacher, and many more

            Do you like to work with data and/or do you like to work with people?
                   Do you like to be a leader, a follower or an initiator?
                        Do you like to take risks or play it safe?
                          Do you like to be part of a team?

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