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Th rough our team’s prior experience on this site, our plan will be Following the completion of the structure and enclosure, the team
clearly communicated to the trades and other construction partners will focus on the critical path elements of elevator equipment
that will be bid and hired to execute the work. With the prior installation and mechanical, electrical, data rooms on the six
understanding of the site elements, core/shell components and fl oors where the initial tenant improvement work will begin.
constructability lessons learned, and knowledge of coordinating From our prior experience, the elements are critical to getting
the tenant improvement work with the core / shell work, our team permanent power and humidity controls for the push on the
will be set to deliver more comprehensive GMP with a high level interior fi nishes. We will take the lessons learned and knowledge
of confi dence earlier than any other team. Our GMP philosophy from the prior phases to keep the schedule completion dates.
is to provide the Owner/Developer with a GMP that captures
the complete scope of work with no gaps in construction cost. PERMITTING
As our team members have done in the past with the prior
Our strategy for this project would be to develop the GMP while phases, Barr & Barr will continue to work with the client, the
the fi nal permit and construction documents are going through architect and pertinent consultants to ensure all permits are
the approval process. Th is will likely require and early release coordinated with the phased construction deliverables and
package to start the site utility, excavation, and foundation work. construction-related permits are applied for and obtained in
a timely manner meet the required schedule. Our team has
Our team’s knowledge of these components will help communicate expedited phased core / shell documents and permit plans to
the details to the bidding subcontractors. We have included in the achieve the earliest possible construction start. We know the
appendix of this response, local trade references from subcontractors process to work with the City of Tampa reviewers and inspectors
that may have been involved with the earlier phases and some to deliver a seamless construction approach between the core/
subcontractors we have worked with that are interested in this shell and interior build-out scopes to insure all substantial
project and will support Barr & Barr during the fi nal budgeting completion and occupancy dates are achieved.
and bidding process for the development of the GMP.
Our schedule would focus on getting the offi ce building to It is Barr & Barr’s philosophy to provide the highest quality
production piles as quick as possible. Th e initial thought from construction services to each of our clients. Our goal is to
previous discussions would be to mobilize the offi ce building pad exceed all specifi ed project requirements with respect to labor,
while the phase three area of the parking structure site would be materials and administration of the construction process. In
used for laydown and storage. All traffi c for the construction order to meet this objective, we ensure that every requirement
activities through the structure and enclosure will utilize this is clearly defi ned so that it can be measured and communicated
area to keep separation from the existing tenants. to those responsible for its execution. It is our responsibility to
make subjective, unquantifi able requirements tangible.
From our knowledge of the utility requirements for the project,
we know the storm water pond at the Southeast side of the site will Since Offi ce Building Th ree is a mirror image of Offi ce Building
need to be enlarged to handle the storm water. Our leadership One, our team will be familiar with the potential constructability
was involved in developing a storm water plan solution that is details that could potentially aff ect schedule. Our team will
coordinated with the garage layout and foundation system. With be out in front of these issues and mitigate them before they
this knowledge, we understand proper time needs to be accounted become any issue.
for in the garage schedule to insure the garage is completed with
the completion/occupancy date for the offi ce Building. Our
Barr & Barr will manage the Master Project Schedule and ensure
team specifi cally worked on the solution with Civil Engineer
commitment from all parties. We will continuously review and
and Garage Design/Builder.
update the schedule to monitor progress and provide solutions
to any activities that may be tracking behind at a point in time.
For the construction of the Offi ce Building, our team has prior
Th e schedule will be an evolving tool that will be used by the
experience in understanding the sequence of the piles and shear
entire team to keep to the plan. Commitment to the master
wall/elevator shaft foundations to get out of the excavation to
schedule is critical to achieve the established goal. Th e detailed
get into a production mode for the vertical concrete elements.
master schedule will include:
Upon completion of the vertical concrete, the structural steel
• Submittal development and approval.
framing will be sequenced to maintain the fl oor tolerances to
• Fabrication/long-lead times of materials and equipment
accommodate the architectural precast spandrels to receive the
• Logical plan to implement the work, tied to material
curtainwall and ribbon window elements. Fortunately, our team
members have history with this sequence to use as a check on the
• Look-ahead schedules
structural engineering to insure these tolerances are achieved.
• Equipment commissioning
Th e structure and enclosure elements are critical to getting the
building water tight for the interior fi nishes.