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Preconstruction                    • Start-up and training for users
             It is Barr & Barr’s                • Desired owner occupancy dates
           assures there are no                 During construction, Barr & Barr will update the schedule on a monthly basis for
         philosophy to provide                  the team’s review. Th  is update will be published as part of the monthly status report.
         unexamined needs, no                   Our team understands the process of updating the overall schedule used during the
           the highest quality                  building of Offi  ce Building Two and is prepared to work a similar process.
          unmet expectations.
         construction services to               LOGISTICS & SEQUENCING
          Our project team will                 As previously mentioned, our Barr & Barr team’s leadership will be personally involved
           each of our clients.                 with making sure this project is successful for the Owner and tenants of the development.
            ask questions until                 We understand the importance of seamless connection to the utilities provided by the
                                                diff erent providers to insure the systems stay in operation during normal business hours.
             there are no more

         questions to be asked.                 Based on our knowledge of the site and businesses, we understand the hours of
                                                operation, traffi  c patterns, and people fl ow to be able to coordinate Offi  ce Building
                                                Th  ree around these existing operations.  Th e specifi c logistics plan for this phase
                                                will be collaborated on by the owner, design team and construction manager input
                                                to clearly document how the project will proceed and will be clearly communicated
                                                to all of the tenants. Th  ese logistics plans will be bid and contracted for with the
                                                subcontractors to insure the plans are followed and safety of the occupants is the focus.
                                                • Develop Initial Plan Utilizing BIM
                                                • Establish Times & Locations for Deliveries
                                                • Create Weekly Look-Ahead Schedules
                                                • Locate Storage & Staging Areas
                                                • Build Comprehensive Safety Plan
                                                       - Work Hours
                                                       - Traffi  c Patterns
                                                       - Parking
                                                       - Trucking Routes/Times
                                                       - Hoisting
                                                       - Staging
                                                       - Storage Areas

                                                We know one of the critical elements of this project will be during the construction
                                                of the Phase Th  ree Parking Garage because it will be adjacent to the existing garage
                                                with pedestrian and vehicular traffi  c.  During its construction sequence part of the
                                                South roadway will be interrupted for construction of the new storm water pond
                                                section, adjustment of the fi re truck access road, and construction of the third phase
                                                of the garage.  Th  is will also require an alternate laydown and storage plan that will
                                                be coordinated with your team.

                                                DOCUMENT CONTROL
                                                Barr & Barr is familiar  with a number of project management software platforms.
                                                We currently utilize Prolog, Sage, Procore, PM-Web and a couple of other campus
                                                specifi c programs.  We plan on using a fully web based platform on your project
                                                which allows select members of the project team to access project documents
                                                seamlessly in order to address critical issues that require design updates or
                                                clarifi cations to keep the team and project stakeholders up to date on the status
                                                of each item. All data uploaded to the project management system is updated
                                                in real-time creating a work fl ow process that promotes eff ective and effi  cient
                                                •  RFIs
                                                •  Submittal  & Shop Drawings review
                                                •  Coordination Drawings Review
                                                •  Subcontractor Meetings
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