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Client: Burlington Coat Factory
          Project Type:  Corporate HQ (Core & Shell/Interior)
          Contact:  Shirley Culman, VP, Facilities
                   Burlington Coat Factory
                   609.387.7800 x53176
                   1830 Route 130 North
                   Burlington, NJ  08016

          Client: TPA (Technology Park Atlanta)
          Project Type:  Verizon (Core/Shell)
          Contact: Brad Smith, President
                   3350 Riverwood Parkway, Suite 750
                   Atlanta, GA  30339

          Client: H. Lee Moffi  tt Cancer Center
          Project Type:   McKinley Outpatient Clinic & Offi  ce (Core/
          Contact:  Braulio Vicente, Senior VP, Hospital & Physician
                  Group Opertions
                  813.426.5598                                   E. Pending Litigation
                   12902 USF Magnolia Drive                      Barr & Barr does not have any pending liens or litigation within
                   Tampa, FL  33612                              the state of Florida. A testament to our core values of honesty
                                                                 and integrity is that throughout the entire company we only
          Contact: Jack Kolosky, Executive VP, COO               have one pending item of litigation within the past fi ve years.
                   813.745.7222                                  Please see following this section our pending litigation.
                   12902 USF Magnolia Drive
                   Tampa, FL  33612                              Subcontractor Resources
                                                                 In Section 6: Appendix we wanted to communicate to your team
          Client: University of South Florida                    the Florida resources our leadership and team members have
          Project Type:   USF Health South Pavilion (Core/Shell/Tenant   with the Florida Region and local Tampa/Westshore market
                      Interiors)                                 to insure a successful project.  We have included a snapshot of
          Contact: Fell Stubbs, Treasurer                        trades and construction references from the principals of these
                  813.974.3298                                   companies that will support the eff orts for this project.  Here is
                   4202 E. Fowler Avenue, CGS 401                a list of the trades that provided this support in the Appendix:
                   Tampa, FL  33620
                                                                 Altamonte Glass and Mirror
          Client: UF Health / Shands                             Kimmins
          Project Type:   Not for Profi t Academic Medical Center (Core/  Finfrock DMC
                      Shell/Interiors)                           Gulf Mechanical
          Contact:  Brad Pollitt, VP Facilities                  Electrical Systems, Inc. (ESI)
                  352.494.4516                                   Gate Precast
                   PO Box 100366                                 West Tampa Glass
                   Gainesville, FL  32610                        Sentry Electric
                                                                 French’s Mechanical
                                                                 Johnson Controls /
                                                                 Belle Steel
                                                                 AllState Steel and Fabrication
                                                                 Liberty Concrete and Steel
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