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PRECONSTRUCTION SERVICES Members of our management team have also provided input to
Our preconstruction services are typically retained in the early the Architect and Developer on code related studies/changes
stages of design, where our teams work with the owner and design associated with Building Code updates since the last two offi ce
team to proactively manage Baseline Project Schedules and Total buildings were constructed. We have attended preliminary
Project Budgets to serve as a road-map for the team to deliver a permitting and code related meetings with the City of Tampa
successful project. We have in-house resources to provide advice to help expedite the process. Our leaders are familiar with
on logistics, materials, and systems along with constructability and currently working with members of the design team/
and value engineering support for the team. Our full range of consultants on other design build /construction management
Preconstruction Services include: pursuits in Florida.
• Master Planning
• Estimating at all stages of design Our team understands the current status and has intellectual
• Scheduling capital from the previous lessons learned and existing site and
• Logistics Evaluation infrastructure knowledge of the site and buildings. Our team
• Safety Work Plan Development also understands and know with the current site tenants, Facility
• Design Package Support Director, and existing operations to be able to develop the most
• Constructability Review effi cient logistics plan to build the Offi ce Building Th ree while
• Value Engineering Analysis mitigating any impacts to existing operations.
• Preconstruction Mock-up and Exploratory Services
• MEP Analysis Our existing knowledge and prior work will help to deliver a
• LEED Support cost certain GMP earlier than any other team.
• Bid / GMP Preparation
Th e Barr & Barr team members are very familiar with the project as As the project progresses to construction, we apply knowledge
Fred Hames and Matt Gilbert were both involved with the initial gained during preconstruction to our overall construction
Metwest International Project which included Offi ce Building services. Our approach is to control the entire process as an
One, Two, the Replacement Parking Deck (East Side), and the extension of the client’s in-house management team by providing
New Th ree Phased Parking Deck to support the offi ce buildings. guidance and leadership in the required activities for a successful
Not only does the team have experience building the projects, completion of the core / shell, interior build-out, move-in, and
the team was involved with all of the preconstruction services fi nal completion. Below is a summary of the Construction
shown above which included management of the demolition of Services that the Barr & Barr team will provide for this project.
the original Metlife Offi ce Building prior to the development of • Permitting, Bonding and Insurance
the new Metwest International Development. • Construction Site Supervision
• Investigation of Existing Conditions
Following the initial construction of the Metwest international site • Master Scheduling
development, retail, offi ce buildings, and parking structures, our • Look-Ahead Scheduling
leadership team was involved with helping provide preconstruction • Procurement
services for Offi ce Building Two in taking the lessons learned,
depressed market conditions, and effi ciencies learned during
the construction of Offi ce Building One to help the developer
drive to a construction number that supported a lease rate that
helped the tenant to relocate a portion of the offi ce operations to
the Metwest International complex.
Additionally, the leadership team of Barr & Barr has provided the
same level of service to our clients in Florida since 2014 updating,
evaluating, analyzing schedules, phasing studies, logistics, site
development /utility studies, and parking scenarios to help create
the current budget used for analysis with potential clients for
Offi ce Building Th ree. Our team has provided these services in
addition to their other job responsibilities, as partners to Metlife
and Cushman Wakefi eld. Our team has done studies on our own
and gained market input to help analyze numbers and update
construction material and labor studies.