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                                                  Finance Center, Lake Mary, FL
          Relevant Team Experience

          SIZE                     COMPLETION DATE          OWNER                    ARCHITECT
          220,000 Square Feet      2014                     TPA Realty Services, Inc.  HuntonBrady Architects
          CONSTRUCTION COST        CONTRACT TYPE            REFERENCE                TEAM MEMBERS
          $26.15 Million           Design-Build             Brad Smith               Fred Hames
                                                            404.406.1269             Matt Gilbert
          SCHEDULE                                                                   Quoc Troung
          12 months Core / Shell                            Rees Waite

                                                                       PROJECT DETAILS
          Class A build-to-suit offi  ce building. Th  e building sits on a 17-acre site      •  Centralized amenities at the ground fl oor with
          and incorporates site-cast tilt-wall construction with a high-performance   satellite and support facilities distributed at the
                                                                           cores of upper fl oors
          curtainwall system and punched windows.
                                                                          •  1,100 parking stalls, landscaping and
          Some of the LEED strategies for the project included implementation of
          an air quality control program, starting from the delivery of ducts sealed
                                                                          •  2.0 mkW Generator which supplies emergency
          at the fabricators shop to the fi lter placement and replacement rate on
                                                                           power to the entire building
          the return ducts during construction operation. Waste was compiled in
          a co-mingled dumpster and sorted off site resulting in over 90% of the
                                                                          •  Th  ree (3) 3,500lb capacity passenger elevators and
          construction waste being diverted from the landfi ll. Low or no VOC   one (1) 5,000lb capacity service elevatorservicing
          materials were required for use in the building and the project team   all fl oors with separate lobby from other elevators.
          preformed periodic checks to confi rm that the trades remained in strict
                                                                          • Th  is project acheived LEED Silver Certifi cation.
          adherence to the specifi cation. Materials, where possible, where bought
          within a 500 mile radius of the jobsite and the project team utilized
          recycled content materials where possible. Th  e design also incorporated
          items like energy effi  cient glazing, white capped roofi ng and energy
          effi  cient HVAC system in order to lower the energy requirements for
          the building and provide a more energy effi  cient operation. Finally, the
          team provided the client with enhanced commissioning to verify that
          all equipment was operating as designed.
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