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business, power is the manifestation of control by those who have
                  seized the system level choices and can exercise downward power over
                  the rest of the organization and formalize it through a command


                  ‘People power’ is an upward rebellion by the people (or the aggrieved)

                  against those clutching the system-wide levers including control over
                  the structure. Power structure can generally be very stable and for the
                  individuals ‘in power’ lucrative and even inheritable (monarchy, family

                  business successors). The power structure breaks down when either,
                  conditions become intolerable inside the system, or some contextual
                  tipping point occurs that exposes the fragility of the regime and it
                  collapses. Curiously, and as a matter of history, revolutions are

                  typically started by those in the middle who feel threatened or see
                  opportunity rather than the ‘poor and dispossessed” who rarely have
                  the resources because they are ‘poor and dispossessed’.

                  Political theorists have hypothesized different ways the up-down
                  interplay can resolve the power issue in the general social context.
                  Classic examples include:

                        Hobbes proposed a central authority (monarchy with its own
                         executive) to protect citizens from each other in their perpetual

                         ‘state of war’; he grew to adulthood in the English Civil War
                         period. Variants of this model are many including the
                         ‘benevolent-despot’ model of the Hapsburg Dynasty; but, it is
                         always open to corruption be a dictator-despot.

                        Locke proposed a ‘trusteeship’ model of representative bodies
                         controlling the executive and thereby protecting and promoting

                         the will of the people against an otherwise self-serving
                         monarchy. This is extant today in the world’s parliamentary
                         systems. Locke came to adulthood in the Restoration of the
                         Crown after the English Civil War and wrestled with the

                         problems of evolving a constitutional monarchy and a powerful
                         mercantile class demanding control.

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