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P. 216
Unit 7: Astrophysics Page 14
Lesson 1: Particle Physics
Our study into particle physics 3. A proton has a positive charge,
is going to take us deep inside a neutron has no charge, and an
the structure of the atom. We’re electron has a negative charge.
going to split it as far apart as it 4. When you split an atom or
can go, so be prepared for particle, it’s called fission. It’s
complete weirdness that absolutely how atomic bombs get their
defies human intuition. Most of major amounts of energy.
these particles don’t exist outside Fusion occurs when you squish
of a laboratory, so it’s not atoms together. The sun creates
something you’re going to run into its energy using fusion.
very often. But it’s still useful to 5. Most of an atom’s mass is inside
know when trying to understand the nucleus.
what you see looking through the 6. Depending on the types of
eyepiece of a telescope. particles you smoosh or split,
you get different amounts of
We’re also going to learn about energy.
light (radiation), and how
different particles interact with Here are the highlights for
each other. We’ll cover matter, this unit for older grades:
antimatter, dark matter, nuclear
reactions, and more. 1. Quarks are small particles that
you can arrange in different
Here are the highlights for ways to build larger particles.
this unit for younger The most common kind of
grades: quarks are ‘up’ and ‘down’. Two
‘up’ quarks and one ‘down’
1. All matter is made up of some quark make one proton.
kind of atom. 2. Tiny particles called pions stick
2. Visible matter is made up of protons and neutrons together.
protons, neutrons, and (There’s no electromagnetic
electrons. attraction between the positive
proton and the neutral neutron.)
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