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Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 16


                                         Lesson 2: Astronomy

               Whew! After doing particle physics,                never looked through a telescope.
               this stuff is going to be easy…                    Amateur astronomers usually have
               (well, at least until you get to the               smaller telescopes, and they don’t
               special relativity section for your                get paid to do astronomy – they

               high school student.)                              just do it for the love of it. Many
                                                                  amateur astronomers have
               Astronomers study celestial                        discovered new objects based on
               objects (stars, planets, moon,                     their raw knowledge of the sky.

               asteroids, comets, galaxies, etc)                  Professional observational
               that exist outside our planet’s                    astronomers mostly use expensive
               atmosphere. Its the one field that                 scientific instruments to look
               combines most science,                             through their massive telescopes.
               engineering and technology areas                   They spend a lot of time taking
               in one fell swoop. Astronomy is                    data and crunching numbers.
               also one of the oldest sciences on                 Professional theoretical
               the planet.                                        astronomers think up new ideas for

                                                                  getting the data to make sense.
               Early astronomers tracked the
                                                                  (Albert Einstein was theoretical –
               movement of the stars so
                                                                  he hated to do experiments.)
               accurately that in most cases,
               we’ve only made minor

               adjustments to their data.
               Although Galileo wasn’t the first                  Here are the highlights for
               person to look through a telescope,                this unit for younger
               he was the first to point it at the                grades:
               stars. Originally, astronomy was
               used as celestial navigation and                   1.  Our solar system includes rocky
               involved with the making of                           terrestrial planets (Mercury,
               calendars, but nowadays is mostly                     Venus, Earth, and Mars), gas
               classified in the field called                        giants (Jupiter and Saturn), ice
               astrophysics.                                         giants (Uranus and Neptune),

                                                                     and assorted chunks of ice and
               There are different types of
               astronomers, some of which have

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