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P. 220
Unit 7: Astrophysics Page 18
Lesson 3: Relativity
Here are the highlights for
this lesson:
Relativity originally came from the · Lorentz Contraction: An object
questions asked about electricity is longest in a frame which it is
and magnetism. Here’s what we’ll at rest and shorter in frames
cover: that it is moving.
· Gravitational Time Dilation:
· Special Relativity states that the Time moves more slowly in
laws of physics are exactly the regions of higher gravitational
same for all observers in forces.
uniform motion. · A more massive object needs a
· For special relativity “Special” greater force to achieve the
means “unique case”, which is same acceleration in direct
constant speed and direction proportion to its mass
(uniform motion). · Principle of equivalence: Effects
· The moment you accelerate or of gravity and acceleration are
make a turn (change direction), indistinguishable
you move into General · General theory of relativity
Relativity. states that laws of physics are
· Special Relativity is not just a the same in all reference frames
theory, it’s a proven fact that · Spacetime is curved by gravity
has been more rigorously tested · Mass and energy cause
than all other theories in spacetime to curve
science. · Law of motion: in the absence
· Time Dilation: Time does not of forces, an object moves in
pass at the same rate for all the straightest possible path in
observers curved spacetime
· The speed of light is always · Locally that path is always a
constant for all observers. straight line at uniform speed,
· Different observers can see but on larger scales it reflects
different things occur for the the geometry of spacetime (not
same event. There is no one Euclidian geometry)
preferred viewpoint.
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