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Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 22

               only two of which are stable and                   one more thought - most of these

               show up in ordinary matter. There                  particles also have an antimatter
               are also six different kinds (called               component... so there are quarks
               'flavors') of quarks, but only two                 and anitquarks, protons and
               can occur in ordinary matter ("up                  antiprotons, neutrons and
               quark" and "down quark"). By the                   antineutrons, neutrinos and
               way, the person who named it                       antineutrinos... the list goes on and
               'quark' named it after his favorite                on! Remember, the positron has a
               type of cheese back in the day                     positive charge while the electron
               (quark cheese, anyone?).                           has a negative charge. The
                                                                  antiproton has a negative charge
               There are several different                        and the proton has a positive
               composite particles (particles that                charge. The antineutron still has no
               have an internal structure -                       charge (like the neutron), but is
               meaning that you can still split it in             made up of antiquarks instead of
               half): baryons, mesons, and                        quarks.

               positive pions. Baryons are larger
               particles containing quarks,                       Nuclear Fusion and Fission
               mesons contain a quark and an
               antiquark, and a positive pion has                 In the 20th
               one up quark and one anti-down                     century,
               quark. There are hundreds of                       scientist
               different kinds of baryons and                     figured out
               mesons.                                            that the core
                                                                  of an atom
               The carrier particles are the ones                 can break
               that carry the force between the                   apart or join
               particles. Some of these we                        together with others. If you split an
               haven't really seen for ourselves -                atom (called fission), you get

               we're just guessing. They include:                 smaller parts and a whole lot of
               the gluon (glues together quarks                   energy. When this happens in
               inside a proton or neutron), the                   nature, it’s called radioactivity.
               photon (carries the                                Unstable atoms spontaneously
               electromagnetic charge), the                       break apart and release particles
               graviton (our best guess as to what                and energy.
               causes gravity), and others.
                                                                  Fusion is taking place inside the
               Your head is probably about to                     sun. The sun is not on fire, like a
               explode, so I'll leave you with just               campfire or stove. So where does it

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