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Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 23

               get its energy from? The fusion                    particles, also called gamma rays,

               process smacks particles together,                 are actually electromagnetic
               which results in a big release of                  radiation (photons) of very, very
               energy. The core of the sun is                     high frequency and energy - high
               about one million degrees Celsius,                 enough to damage living tissue.
               which the surface temperature is a                 Fortunately, gamma ray bursts are
               mere 15,000 degrees Celsius. The                   rare and usually not pointed in our
               fusion process in the sun takes two                direction.
               naked protons (also known as a
               hydrogen nuclei) and smacks them                   How Does a Nuclear
               together in a special sequence that                Reactor Work?
               results in the formation of helium.
               This complicated reaction is called                                        When people

               the proton-proton chain, and                                               think of
               occurs in all stars burning                                                nuclear power,
               hydrogen in their core.                                                    they often
                                                                                          think of
               In chemistry, when you combine                                             disaster-type
               things together, you get different                                         scenes.
               stuff out the other end. For                       Actually, power plants are very
               example, when you mix together                     similar to coal-burning power
               baking soda and vinegar, you get                   plants. They both heat water into
               liquid water and sodium acetate                    steam, which turn generators. The
               precipitate in the cup, and carbon                 main difference between them is
               dioxide bubbles released into the                  they way they heat the water.
               atmosphere. When the core of a                     Some plants burn fossil fuels (like

               star fuses together in a supernova,                coal and oil), and nuclear plants
               it creates every element on the                    use the energy from fission
               periodic table (yes, even gold!) and               (splitting atoms apart) to heat
               also spits out high-energy alpha,                  water.
               beta, and gamma particles.
                                                                  Remember when we talked when
               Alpha particles were named long                    an atom spontaneously undergoes
               before we ever knew what they                      fission, it's called radioactivity?
               were. An alpha particle are two                    Uranium-235 is the perfect
               protons and two neutrons stuck                     example of this kind of atom. U-
               together (also known as helium                     235 decays naturally by spitting of
               nuclei). Beta particles are either                 an alpha particle or two neutrons
               electrons or positrons. Gamma

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