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Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 20

               take away three protons. It's that                 particles called gluons hold the

               simple. (Or is it?)                                quarks together so the atom
                                                                  doesn't fly apart. This force is
               What Keeps an Atom                                 extremely strong - much stronger

               Together?                                          than the electromagnetic force.
                                                                  This force is also known as the
                                        If you think              color force (there is not any color
                                        about it, the             involved - that is just the way it
                                        nucleus of an             was named.)
                                        atom (proton
                                        and neutron)              The electromagnetic force keeps
                                        really have no            the electrons from flying away
                                        reason to stick           from the nucleus. When a plus (the

               together. The neutron doesn't have                 nucleus) and minus (the electron)
               a charge, and the proton has a                     charge get close together, tiny
               positive charge. And most nuclei                   particles called photons pull the
               have more than one proton, and                     two together.
               positive-positive charges repel
               (think of trying to force two North                What is Particle Physics?
               sides of a magnet together). So
                                                                  Scientists love to smash things
               what keeps the core together?
                                                                  together and watch what happens.
               The strong force. Well, actually                   Galileo smacked bowling balls
               the residual strong force. This force              together, Newton was hit by an
               is the glue that sticks the nucleus                apple, and physicists today want to
               of an atom together, and is one of                 know what happens when you

               the strongest force we've found                    smack one tiny particle into
               (on its own scale). This force binds               another. By watching what happen
               the protons and neutrons together                  when they collide and how they
               and is carried by tiny particles                   interact with each other, scientists
               called pions. When you split apart                 can puzzle together what happens
               these bonds, the energy has to go                  inside black holes, stars, and
               somewhere... which is why fission                  pulsars.
               is such a powerful process (more
               on that later).

               The fundamental strong force                       You know from science fiction that
               holds the quarks together inside                   when matter and antimatter
               the proton and neutron. Itty bitty                 collide, they destroy each other

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