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P. 217

Unit 7: Astrophysics                                                                   Page 15

                   Pions are the carrier force for                4.  The electromagnetic force uses

                   the residual strong force.                        a photon as ‘carrier force’ – the
               3.  Tiny particles called gluons stick                thing that binds the electron to
                   the quarks together inside a                      the nucleus of the atom.
                   proton (and neutron). A gluon                  5.  Most particles have anti-matter
                   cannot exist outside of a proton,                 counterparts.  The positron is
                   and is the carrier force for the                  the anti-matter companion to
                   strong force. The strong force is                 the electron.
                   the strongest force on its own                 6.  There are hundreds and
                   scale – it greatly weakens at                     hundreds of particles in physics
                   distances larger than the                         – we’re only going to cover a
                   nucleus of the atom.                              few basics. Just enough to make
                                                                     your head spin.

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