Page 18 - DINQ Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 18



            Your Monthly HOROSCOPE
                   June 2020

           ARIES                                LEO                                  SAGITTARIUS
           March 21 - April 20                  July 23 - August 22                  November 22 - December 20
       You’re not backward in coming forward   You’ll be using all your leonine flair to   Sparks will fly between you and your partner
       when it comes to speaking your mind, and   socialise and entertain people you know   – sparks which will ignite stunning firework
       this is definitely the time at which you can   well and love – and a number of those less   display – exciting, breath-taking and quite
       safely air your views and opinions, and   close to you will feature in the general enjoy-  delightful. Sounds like pretty good sex? You
       persuade others to take action to right   ment, too, with new contacts being made   might think so, but was couldn’t possibly
       some injustice, or cope with underhanded   from overseas after the 12th. All this will be   comment . . . The fireworks might include a
       behavior that needs to be eradicated. Your   energy-consuming and leave you exhausted   little spat or two, probably over nothing. The
       physical and emotional energy is getting a   but satisfied. You may well be keeping a se-  kissing and making up will be pretty good
       marvelous boost which only comes your way   cret – your own or someone else’s? Only you   stuff. A flurry of unexpected events will add
       about once in two and a half years!  know, of course; but after the 28th all will be   even more color to your joint existence as
                                           revealed – with much excitement, congratu-  the month ends.
           TAURUS                          lations or amazement? Only you’ll know all
       April 21 - May 20                   about that too!                           CAPRICORN
       Taurean emotions and tenderness will be                                       December 21 - January 19
       particularly well-received by your lover, and   VIRGO                         Don’t ignore minor aches or pains –
       you’ll experience some blissful moments   August 23 - September 22       especially if your knees are suffering. Keep
       and memorable occasions. This is the time   Think about the future. Set your sights on   moving, but cool it at the gym, and for a
       to concentrate on well-proved techniques   new aspirations, ambitious and challenges.   few weeks avoid any too demanding new
       rather than experiments. You’re in a good   There are excellent opportunities for you to   exercise schedule or adding extra weights to
       position to make extra cash – you can’t lose.   move forward at present, so in true Virgo   the bar. Any recent or on-going problems
       The month ends with you receiving some   style you should make a careful and detailed   with your communications systems will be
       kind of communication that you’ve probably   plan of action. Be bold in the knowledge   resolved more easily and quickly than you
       been waiting for for ages.          that people who matter will take notice of   expect, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised
                                           what you have in mind.               at the new benefits that will result from
           GEMINI                               Waste no time before moving upward   upgrades.
           May 21 - June 21                and onward. ‘The force is with you’!
       In the month of June, you may find your-                                      AQUARIUS
       self restricted by pressures of routine work.   LIBRA                         January 20 - February 18
       However, the routine will be steadily pro-  September 23 - October 22    Things really seem to be alright with your
       gressive and prove far more rewarding and   Watch it! Don’t say ‘I can’t be bothered’, or   world at present. You’ll have fun and expe-
       fulfilling than you may at first imagine. Your   (like Scarlet O’Hara) ‘I’ll think about that   rience a whole lot of really brilliant events
       powers of concentration will be enhanced,   tomorrow’! You’ll be in a very relaxed and   and interesting developments. You’ll be on
       and the time will be right for you to develop   pleasant mood and no doubt want to put   a winning streak – whether chancing your
       any new and challenging interest which ap-  things off, but if you let lethargy take over   arm at the casino or in a new relationship.
       peals to you. Take extra health precautions   and rule your life you’ll be brought back to   There’s a good chance of an unexpected
       when you’re travelling, avoiding unusual   earth with a considerable bump. That would   surprise on the 16th or the 24th – 25th! If
       foods or diets. If you were born between the   be a pity, because around the 24th of June   there’s a problem brewing it may result in
       13th and 18th of June, inclusive, you can   you’ll be in a particularly strong position to   your car letting you down.
       expect to make some important changes.  shape life just as you want to see it.
           CANCER                               SCORPIO                              February 19 - March 20
           June 21 - July  22                   October 23 - November 21        You’re naturally intuitive, and at present this
       With your usual display of sympathetic   Scorpio shrewdness – especially during   quality is particularly well-tuned. Listen to
       kindness you’ll be lending someone in   meetings or while on business trips – will   what it’s telling you; trust it, but at the same
       need of moral support a shoulder to cry on.   come into play, and you’ll eventually have   time be a little sceptical, and don’t rush into
       This will consume a lot of time during the   reason not only to feel very pleased with   taking action before allowing a measure
       first two weeks of June, but later on a more   yourself and your actions, but pretty smug   of logical thought to balance your strong
       rewarding, lively and cheering influence   too, not only at the eventual outcome but   feelings. Extra time spent on your favour-
       will work for you, the pace of life will pick   at the way any tricky negotiations were   ite sporting or dance interests will be very
       up, and having put the winsome one on the   overcome with the assurance and delicacy of   rewarding. You’ll make progress as well as
       right path you can relax and get on with   a praying mantis climbs a wall.  being really inspired.
       your own life. After the 22nd a new project
       will fall satisfyingly into place as the result of
       recent concentrated efforts.

            Page 18                                                           “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር“                ድንቅ መጽሔት -  ሰኔ 2012
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