Page 91 - DINQ Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 91

African   news


         Tanzania’s President banks on                             Kagame’s son appointed to

                prayers as cases drop                           board of Rwanda’s investment

           In Dar es Salaam, residents attest to the re-                           agency
       duction of COVID-19 cases in the East African
           “In fact we are following the general consensus up
       to now the people believe that those numbers of people
       infected is going down so we can say it’s reducing”, said
       Godfrey Matei, a stall keeper at a local market.
           The number of cases in Tanzania has not changed
       for three weeks. The international community has ex-
       pressed worry that the government is hiding the true
       scale of the pandemic.
           Critics have been arrested and opposition poli-
       ticians and right activists say their phones are being
           Magufuli is now allowing international passenger
       flights after halting it in April. Visitors who do not have   A son of President Paul Kagame has been appointed
       fever will be allowed in.                              to the board of the Rwanda Development Board, RDB.
           The President has refused to shut places of worship  30-year-old Ivan Kagame is the eldest son of his par-
       and other gathering places, like pubs and restaurants.  ents. The Kagames have four children – three sons and
                                                              a daughter.
                                                                  The RDB is government machinery tasked with
                                                              fast tracking the country’s economic development by
                                                              enabling private sector growth. The US-educated Ivan
                                                              joins as one of four new members announced by the
                                                              Prime Minister’s office earlier this week.
                                                                  In welcoming the new members, the board wrote
                                                              about the young Kagame “Ivan Kagame is a partner at
                                                              a Venture Capital fund, and co-founder of a leading en-
                                                              ergy company.
                                                                  “Ivan brings a diverse skill set and vast experience
                                                              in investment advisory services, entrepreneurship and
                                                              investments management both in Africa and the USA.
                                                              He holds a Bsc in Economics from Pace university and
                                                              an MBA from the Marshall School at the University of
                                                              Southern California.”

             DINQ    magazine   June   2020   #209                                       PLEASE    BE    SAFE    and    Happy   Father's    Day                                                                            Page 91
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