Page 7 - 2020-0915-0223 Board Meeting Documents for September 16
P. 7

JA Guam Board Special Meeting
                         Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 11:00 pm
                         Special Meeting - Zoom Video Conference

                         I.   Call to Order
                          a.  Meeting called to order at 11:06 am

                         II.  All documents were sent prior to the meeting

                         III.  Roll Call
                          a.  Pinki Lujan, Kristine Lujan, Lee Vensel, Jason Katigbak, Kris Lujan, Sharon Davis,
                              Leslie Leon Guerrero, Meg Tyquiengco, Jane Ray, Johanna Ulatan and Joey
                              Miranda III.

                         IV.  Evidence of the Notice of this meeting
                          a.  Board Chair: Advise group meeting was announced and agreed upon by the
                              Board during the monthly meeting on August 19, 2020.
                          b.  A second notice was sent through email on August 26, 2020 by Pinki Lujan
                          c.  Third notice through WhatsApp on September 1, 2020 by Board Chair.

                         V.  Synopsis of the meeting:
                          a.  Presentation of the Articles of Incorporation filed with the Department of
                              Revenue and Taxation in 1976
                          b.  Presentation of the Amended JA By-Laws adopted on November 13, 2007
                          c.  Presentation of the proposed Amended JA By-Laws on the today’s agenda to be
                              considered, amended (if necessary) and/or adopted.
                          d.  All documents were sent to all the Board members for their review on
                              September 1, 2020
                          e.  Questions and/or comments

                         VI.  Explanation of the Rules Governing the adoption of the proposed Amended JA
                          a.  The Board Chair indicates that there is no precedent from either the Articles of
                              Incorporation or the current Amended By-Laws (adopted in November 13, 2007)
                              for the procedural process of amending the By-Laws, Chair proposes to open the
                              floor to discussion on whether we proceed to review the By-laws by article and
                              subsection, approving or denying by subsection or adopting or rejecting the
                              present document as a whole.
                          b.  The proposed Amended By-laws were sent to Board members on August 14,
                              2020. Board members had the opportunity to review the document and submit
                              comments before this meeting.
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