Page 14 - Samaritas Fall/Winter Our Hands 2022
P. 14
When Generations Collide,
Good Things Happen
Samaritas is always looking for and board and a complimentary meal because it
innovative ways to keep the older adults package. will help
in our care active and well. So, when them dispel
Lawrence Technical University (LTU) Volunteer activities include arts and stereotypes
and Grand Valley State University crafts programs, health and wellness that they
(GVSU) came to us with us with an activities, oral history interviews, and may have
immersive experience designed to just about anything considered fun and developed
encourage social, educational, and fulfilling for the senior living residents. about
spiritual understanding between seniors But the benefits to the students are vast seniors.
and college students, we said – why not? and varied.
“There is
The Intergenerational Program was Quinn: “I can learn from anybody. a whole
open to eligible LTU students and I have an opportunity to learn from attitudinal shift that
those enrolled in the GSVU College of everybody here and there is so much can result from this program about what
Health Professions for the 2022-2023 to learn from people who have lived people perceive about older adults. Baby
academic year. In August, the three such long lives.” I really vibed with boomers are not going to be like their
participating students moved into the the atmosphere here, because it’s a grandparents. They are going to live
spacious one-bedroom apartments faith-based community and that really longer, be healthier and remain active
of Samaritas Independent Living resonates with me as a Christian.” well into their 80s and 90s. They are still
communities in Bloomfield Hills and Evelyn: “Everyone was so sweet and playing softball and tennis and joining
Grand Rapids. Since then, Kayla, welcoming, I just love it here. In golf leagues.”
Quinn, and Evelyn have learned a lot my short time, I’ve learned that the
about their residents are very open and share stories Terri Bacon-Beguley, who is the
neighbors. with me. I learn something new from Associate Dean of Research in the
Physician Assistant Studies program at
Students like them every single day.” GVSU said, “I think it is going to be
Kayla, Quinn According to GVSU, intergenerational extremely beneficial for younger folks
and Evelyn are practices involve bringing people to learn to interact with people two and
encouraged to together in purposeful, mutually three generations older than them. How
combine social beneficial activities that promote greater to relate, and how to ask questions. And
engagement understanding and respect between since everything is so technology-driven,
with their generations and contribute to building it’s going to be a big advantage to have
academic more cohesive communities. younger people help older adults adapt.
interests to I also love the give and take of sharing
meet the Teresa M. Beck, PhD, CTRS. Senior stories . . . Older folks have a great
program’s Associate Dean, College of Health history to share, but so do young people.
volunteer requirements. In exchange Professions Professor, Recreational It can go beyond health care. Imagine
for providing the community with ten Therapy Program at GVSU, loves the a history class with 80 and 90-year-
volunteer hours to support the physical, program and thinks it will be immensely olds alongside 20-somethings and the
mental, and spiritual well-being of helpful for young people going into different points of view.”
our residents, they receive free room professions that serve older people
We agree.
To arrange a tour of the Samaritas Senior To arrange a tour of the Samaritas Senior
Living Grand Rapids community, contact Living Bloomfield Hills community, contact
Angela Varga at Margo Ladd at