Page 10 - Autumn 2019
P. 10

Page 10_Layout 1  09/10/2019  07:54  Page 1

                                                                      A WARNING!
              10                                                      A WARNING!
                                                                      Nothing to do with Bowls
                                                                      Nothing to do with Bowls
                                                                      BUT PLEASE read on .......
                                                                      BUT PLEASE read on .......
                                                                      Email scammers turn their sights on youth
                                                                      football  teams.   A  Reading-based  club
                                                                      was duped out of £28,000, but Barclays
                                                                      was only able to recover £8.90. Other vol-
                                                                      unteer groups and charities should be-
                                                                            Laurel Park FC’s treasurer has of-
                                                                      fered to sell his house to repay the club.
                                                                      Treasurers  of  community  groups  and
              small charities have been warned to be extremely wary after a youth football club was conned
              out of more than £28,000 by fraudsters using a fake email scam. Laurel Park FC says it has
              had to suspend all planned spending, and the treasurer has resigned, after he was duped into
              making a series of payments to what he thought were companies undertaking work for the club.
                   The scam started when he received what looked like a routine email from the chairman
              asking him to pay £7,000 to a supplier from the club’s Barclays account. He had expected the
              request as the club, which operates 27 youth teams from playing fields on the edge of the town,
              was looking to spend money on its facilities. Only after he had made four payments – amounting
              to in excess of £28,000 into other Barclays accounts – IT did emerge that the emails he’d re-
              ceived were false, and had come from a mocked-up lookalike account. The case will send a
              shiver down the spine of anyone who acts as a treasurer for a club or charity.
                   The conmen, who have previously focused on solicitors and builders, appear to now be
              picking on those with perhaps lower security measures. We rely on volunteers to manage the
              day-to-day running, and our treasurer was just that – a volunteer doing his best Barclays has
              washed its hands of the matter and refused to cover the losses, bar the £8.90 it says it was able
              to recover. The police have been similarly uninterested.
                   Andy Dykes, the club’s secretary, says the episode has been devastating for those in-
              volved. He says the unnamed treasurer has even offered to sell his house to allow him to repay
              the club, although they are hoping they won’t have to take him up on the offer. Dykes says the
              club will survive the loss, albeit on reduced means. The funds that were set to be spent on a
              much-need upgrade to the sports facilities and equipment, however, are gone.
                   “Like thousands of other community football clubs, we rely on volunteers to manage the
              day-to-day running, and our treasurer was just that – a volunteer doing his best,” Dykes says.
              “He’s a former accountant who, at 82, is still great with figures, although not perhaps the most
              technically savvy person. He received what looked like a standard email request from our chair-
              man to make a payment, and he did what many of us would have done – he carried it out.”
                   Laurel Park FC runs nine girls’ teams and 18 boys’ teams. Club officials were staggered
              to discover that names used on online payments are completely ignored by the banks, which
              only use the account and sort code numbers when
              transferring money.
                   In this case, the treasurer believed he was send-
              ing the money to specifically named building contrac-
              tors  –  but  it  ended  up  in  the  fraudster-controlled
              personal bank accounts. Dykes, who has seen the
              emails sent by the fraudsters, says they were very
              convincing. He is also aware that another local foot-
              ball club was also targeted by the same group.
                   “We have asked Barclays to investigate how our
              money has been moved from our account into others
              at the same bank, and to then disappear.
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