Page 6 - Autumn 2019
P. 6

Page 6_Layout 1  09/10/2019  07:33  Page 1

                                                           COMPILING THE MAGAZINE
                                                           COMPILING THE MAGAZINE
                                                           I have been asked about the procedure for compil-
                                                           ing the magazine and I’m not sure where to start but
                                                           I would stress the following is a brief outline only that
                                                           sums up about a month’s work, or more as the bits
                                                           come in. No hankies please!
                                                                However,  like  Mrs  Beaton’s  Rabbit  Stew
                                                           recipe, it starts with “first catch your Rabbit!” In other
                                                           words, I need the copy/news in order to start com-
                                                           piling all the pages.
                                                                When people email their stories etc. I try but
                                                           don’t always succeed in compiling a draft of the ar-
                                                           ticle and download the photos making any neces-
                                                           sary adjustments to the latter. This can be lightening
                                                           or darkening the photos, cropping them to a suitable
                                                           size and changing the photo format from RGB (Red,
                                                           Green, Blue), to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow &
             Key, which is Black) as this is required for colour printing.
                   Often, the biggest problem I have is with photos. Photos must be separate and original
             from the Camera but a number of people write an article, trying to be helpful no doubt, mainly
             in word, and alter the photos in some way. I have the Devil’s own job of trying to extract them
             from word and it proves impossible. As I will repeat later, I need the original photos as they come
             from the camera.  I previously wrote an article about taking photos but some people still ignore
             my “advice”.
                   I then compile a list of pages on a spreadsheet so I can know exactly how many pages I
             have and I can work out how to fit them together.  Sadly, a number of these can be half or frac-
             tions of a page. Half is easy I suppose but what about 1.65 pages or 1.33 pages or perhaps a
             quarter of a page?  This is where I have the fun of fitting everything together, so I end up with
             whole pages the total of which must be divisible by four. This is the way printers must have
             them, i.e. 32, 36, 40, 44 and 48. If I have an uneven number then I must find a filler article(s) or
             hold over more recent item to the next issue.
                   As to each page, they must be spellchecked and carefully read for content. In order to
             make things fit or read better, I sometimes do a little re-wording but I am generally reluctant to
             do this, but sometimes I have to. As to spellchecking, I certainly do not do this myself, I use Mi-
             crosoft Word, which also checks the English at the same time. With the latter I do not always
             accept Word’s suggestions, preferring to accept the original phrasing or a small re-write.
                   Photos of course give pages a life. In school and college, the mantra was that a picture is
             worth a thousand words. Personally, I would prefer both. To make the text fit on a page, I some-
             times resize photos up or down as necessary to change the text space but not making them too
             large or small. I can also increase the gaps between lines.
                   Once I have the right number of pages, I have to save them as page 1, 2, 3 and so on.
             Multipage articles have to be split into sin-
             gle pages, which is a time-consuming effort
             as  my  magazine  software  has  the  odd
             problem with the overall amount of text in
             splitting pages.
                   Once  I  have  my  total  number  of
             pages or whatever, I have to convert each                  English
             page into a.pdf file so the printers have the             Language
             correct format but I then have to compile all
             of the  pages into one single .pdf so that the
             printers are able to print the magazine from
             the file I email them.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11