Page 3 - Autumn 2019
P. 3

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                                                least  another  year,  so
             3                                  least  another  year,  so          These  are  the  real  back-
                                                no  worries  about  re-            bone of our sport, at local
                                                no  worries  about  re-
                                                newals.                            level,  without  whom  we
                                                      This despite printing a      would be in a much worse
                                                magazine  in  a  shrinking         position.  National  level  is
                                                sport that does not (in gen-       another matter for another
                                                eral),  appear  to  want  any      day.  A  good  photo  and  a
                                                publicity whatsoever!              write up please.
                                                      I  have  looked  around            Talking about photos,
                                                to see if anyone else would        can I once again remind ev-
                                                take it on but not broadcast       eryone that any light must
                                                it  too  loudly.  No-one  ap-      be  falling  onto  people’s
                                                pears  interested  and  I’m        faces  and  NOT  be  behind
                      EDITORS                   not sure they would handle         them. Your camera will not
                   RAMBLINGS                    the frustration - Serious en-      reproduce what your eyes
             I  have  arrived  at  the  Au-     quiries only please, no time       see. Don’t rush a photo, get
             tumn issue, which as usual         wasters - it’s free.               people to pose.
             is the worst for scrambling              If  anyone  did  decide            I watched a very inter-
             for  copy,  as  the  Summer        to give it a go, I would only      esting     TV     programme
             period is the least busy of        hand  it  over  to  someone        about  transgender  sports
             the year.                          who is very strictly neutral,      people and the alleged ad-
                   I  had  plenty  of  copy     so that would probably rule        vantages  that  males  get
             for  the  Spring  issue  and  I    out  any  of  the  governing       when  transitioning  to  fe-
             could  have  printed  more         bodies.                            males  and  how  will  sport
             pages (if I ever had enough              Next  year,  owing  to       handle  the  very  difficult
             copy)  but  the  expense           health problems with both          and serious problems that
             starts to go up, not just the      myself      and     especially     can arise about fair compe-
             printing  costs  but  as  the      Yvonne, we intend to winter        tition.
             magazine gets heavier the          in the Sun and Summer in                 This is where physical
             postage rates go up as well        the UK. More later.                properties can possibly be
             and the whole thing would                A  couple  of  regulars      a  big  advantage,  particu-
             get to a point where I can         are writing articles, namely       larly going from male to fe-
             no longer afford it.               Paul Reed and Andy O’Dell.         male.
                   52 or 54 pages would         It  would  be  nice  if  others          Thankfully,  as  ours  a
             probably  not  change  the         followed suit.                     mixed sport it matters little
             postage  but  the  printing              Whatever  I  am  sent        to us but I have no doubts
             costs would increase. How-         gets checked and is (usu-          that  some  ladies  in  our
             ever, it is hard work to get       ally, allowing for my mem-         sport would gladly split our
             to 48 pages or a least over        ory).  reproduced  in  the         sport for their own selfish
             40.                                magazine,  so  no  worries         ends,  hence  the  so-called
              Owing  to  recent  com-           about Grammar or spelling.         England      Ladies      team,
              Owing  to  recent  com-
                                                                                   which I regard as a waste
              ments from me, a cou-                   So,  what  floats  your      of members money.
              ments from me, a cou-
              ple  of   readers  have           boat,  apart  from  ballast              If   you  ever
              ple  of   readers  have
                                                                                         If   you  ever  in in- -
              asked me about the fu-            that  is  and  what  changes       tended  to  write  but
              asked me about the fu-
                                                                                   tended  to  write  but
                                                would you make to the play-
              ture  of   the  magazine          ing  equipment  and  the           never  did,  do  it  now!
              ture  of   the  magazine
                                                                                   never  did,  do  it  now!
              and I can say that I am
              and I can say that I am           rules, if any!                     don’t put it off.
                                                                                   don’t put it off.
              considering the future                  Were there any other             Gracias and feliz
              considering the future
                                                                                       Gracias and feliz
              depending          on      re-    features you would love to               navidad y feliz
                                                                                         navidad y feliz
              newals from this issue,           see in the magazine. Club                   año nuevo
              newals from this issue,
                                                                                            año nuevo
              which  completes  27              profiles I do get occasion-              BobbyWeaf
              which  completes  27
              years but I aim to do at
              years but I aim to do at          ally  but  what  about  long
                                                serving club officials etc.
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