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                                                                              Short Mat Bowls
                                                                              Short Mat Bowls
                   AUTUMN 2019
                   AUTUMN 2019
                                                                        BOWLS CHAT
                  ISSN 1456 - 0606                                3     BOWLS CHAT
                  ISSN 1456 - 0606
                                                                       The Editors usual Ramblings
                                                                       EAST HANNINGFIRLD REPORT
                                                                        EAST HANNINGFIRLD REPORT
                        Indoor Bowler                             4
                        Indoor Bowler
                                                                        From Paul Reed
                                                                        From Paul Reed
                Incorporating Short Mat World                          HEREFORDSHIRE NEWS
                Incorporating Short Mat World
                                                                        HEREFORDSHIRE NEWS
                  and Short Mat International                     5
                  and Short Mat International
                                                                        Long Service Award - Sue Stannard
                     FOR FOUR ISSUES PER YEAR
                     FOR FOUR ISSUES PER YEAR                          Long Service Award - Sue Stannard
                                                                        COMPILING THE MAGAZINE
                   Annual UK subscription just £6.95                    COMPILING THE MAGAZINE
                      Europe £16.95 (Sterling only)               6     A Report from the Editor
                                                                        A Report from the Editor
                Rest of the World £19.95 (Sterling only)               FRAUD PROTECTION
                                                                        FRAUD PROTECTION
                 Back Issues £5.99 Incl. Postage (UK)            10
                                                                        Don’t lose your money!
                Note: the Non-UK rates are set to                       Don’t lose your money!
                Note: the Non-UK rates are set to
                mostly recover postage costs only.               12    DEMENTIA
                mostly recover postage costs only.
                                                                        Living longer - a modern problem
                       Editor:   Bob Weafer
                       Editor:   Bob Weafer                            Living longer - a modern problem
                                         CIVIL WAR IN SWEDEN
                                                                        CIVIL WAR IN SWEDEN
                  2 Preston Close, Redditch                            Comment on a serious problem
                  2 Preston Close, Redditch
                         Worcs B98 8RU                           28    GREAT HOUGHTON NEWS
                                                                       GREAT HOUGHTON NEWS
                          Worcs B98 8RU
                     Tel: 0121 - 286 - 9449                            From Andy Odell
                     Tel: 0121 - 286 - 9449
            PLEASE NOTE: the entire staff of the maga-                 SHOT SUPER 8’s
                                                                       SHOT SUPER 8’s
            zine amounts to just one person - me! The maga-      29    Who scored a full house 8?
                                                                       Who scored a full house 8?
            zine  is  put  together  in  my  often  non-existent
                                                                       NORFOLK ROUNDUP
            “spare time”. I regret I do not have the time to     30    NORFOLK ROUNDUP
            reply to letters, so contact me by email or phone.         A report by Selwyn Goldsmith
                 The magazine comes out when it comes out,             HOT SHOTS SUPER 6’s
                                                                       HOT SHOTS SUPER 6’s
            4 times per year and I’ve managed 27 years so far. 32
            Whatever  our  publication  date  you  get  a  full        Who earned their Badges?
            year’s issues and your patience and understand-            CANADA UPDATE
                                                                       CANADA UPDATE
            ing is greatly appreciated, as the alternative is no  33   The latest News
                                                                       The latest News
            magazine at all.
                                                                       TOORAK HOTEL TOURNAMENT
                 The views expressed in the magazine are not    35     TOORAK HOTEL TOURNAMENT
                                                                       The Ivan Lunn Show
            necessarily  those  of  the  Editor  nor  any  of  the     The Ivan Lunn Show
            sport’s controlling bodies and no responsibility
                                                                                Carpet Bowls
            can be accepted for them. No part of this publica-                 Carpet Bowls
            tion may be reproduced, copied or stored on any
                                                                       WEST ACRE CARPET BOWLS CLUB
            retrieval system without the express permission      28    WEST ACRE CARPET BOWLS CLUB
                                                                       From Belinda Bush
            of the Editor.                                             From Belinda Bush
                 THESE PAGES ARE FOR YOU TO USE.                       7 PAGES OF CARPET BOWLS
                                                                       7 PAGES OF CARPET BOWLS
            ARTICLES,  STORIES  AND  LOCAL  NEWS                 15
                                                                       A full report by Paul Daniels
            AND VIEWS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME.                              A full report by Paul Daniels
                                                                       THANK YOU FROM FRANCE
                                                                       THANK YOU FROM FRANCE
                                                                       Carpet Bowls in Boule country!
                                                                       Carpet Bowls in Boule country!
                                                           Your Editor Clowning around
                                                       in fancy dress but no room for the
                                                                   photo of him as the
                                                      “Incomplete Angler”, another time!
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