Page 13 - Layout 1
P. 13

Page 13:Layout 1  10/03/2016  16:30  Page 1

           Hi Bob                                                                                           13
                 A very interesting edition, in particular the AGM report from Selwyn Goldsmith. Lack
           of entries to the Nationals is possibly due to the fact that they are always held in Northants area,
           thus many players face a very long journey, with possibly an overnight stay. The ESMBA ac-
           knowledges this when they say Umpires from Cornwall are rarely asked to officiate as their
           travel costs are too high! This is also very unfair, distant counties should not be penalised in this
           way, no wonder their members get disillusioned.
                 I note there was discussion about Umpires wearing burgundy shirts rather than blazers -
           this was put to umpires a year or two ago and the consensus was the present uniform be kept -
           many clubs have that colour as club shirts/jumpers, which will cause confusion, umpires should
           be easily identified and also look smart. Blazers (with useful pockets for Rule Book, etc.) and
           waistcoats are comfortable and also authoritative. What a pity these and matters pertaining to
           Rule changes are not made by umpires (the people who implement the rules), rather than the
           committee. Keep banging your head against a brick wall - oops, I mean keep publishing SMI,
                   Rosemary King

                 ED - Firstly, the ESMBA has to think of everybody, not just the South or the North. Sure, we
           could hold the championships in say Bristol but just look at the journey that those in the North and
           East of England would have to make. The Midlands is used to average out the distances from
           North, South and East. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if say every 4 years or so we moved the event
           somewhat South, say Bristol then somewhere North, say Manchester and then somewhere to-
           wards the East. That is once every 4 years(ish) with the others in the middle.
                 As to the Umpires and the Rules, not every Umpire reads them the same!  However, I am
           strongly in favour of proposed rule changes being submitted to all the Umpires and not just the
           ESMBA Committee.  I would NOT ask the Umpires to agree or disagree with them, I would simply
           ask are they workable and do they clash
           with any other rules etc. etc.
                 It is then up to the county delegates to
           accept or reject them.  I well remember a
           rule  being  proposed  that  we  wear  white
           above the waist and grey below.  It did not
           specify anything else and a lot of people
           agreed with it until I asked the question “who
           is going to check the underwear?” As it was
           written we all had to wear grey underwear
           and  grey  shoes  etc.  etc.  The  proposition
           was not thought through and we need to
           check all proposals carefully.
                 As to interpretation, I also remember
           the interpretation of one P ratt  who  would
           not allow a disabled bowler to sit because
           one rule says you must STAND clear of the
           carpet - Brain Dead I think!!!!!
                 As to the magazine, the future is not in
           my hands but it is in the hands of all the
           clubs and bowlers who play the sport, AND
           SUBSCRIBE, no matter which country they
           live  in.  I  need  news  and  subscriptions.  If
           they don’t continue then neither can I and all
           you will get is the BS that sometimes comes
           from National Associations.
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