Page 27 - Layout 1
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Page 27:Layout 1  10/03/2016  16:57  Page 1

             Pineapple Pete had seemingly a much easier match but the acquisition of a 5 on the third       27
             end really helped in their 11-5 win over Crownites.  The first knockout round proper (last
             eight) saw Jedi Knights come from behind to oust Portsdown 9-7.  Pineapple Pete only allowed
             Jingle Jangle Gangle to win one end in a 12-1 score line.  Flying Seamen achieved a similar
             score in their 12-2 defeat of North End.   Jim + 2 had a nip and tuck game finally losing to Tur-
             bos, 9 shots to 8 dropping a two on the final end.
                   This set up some interesting semi-finals.  Turbos met Flying Seamen and at two ends
             were 5-1 up.  However Flying Seamen then picked up a 4 to get them back in the match but
             then dropped a 4 on the very next end.  At this point though, Flying Seamen kicked into gear
             and won the next 4 ends and managed to avert a last end disaster by playing the jack into the
             ditch.  Despite some exemplary  drawing to the ditch line, Turbos could not convert the deficit
             into a winning score and lost 9-11. The other semi-final was a very noisy event - Jedi Knights
             vs Pineapple Pete.  It was also a low scoring affair with only 9 shots scored over the entire
             match of 8 ends, Jedi Knights just edging it 5-4.
                   The final between Jedi Knights and Flying Seamen (Paul Seamen, Dan Winmill and Karl
             Hudson) was an equally noisy affair but ended with Flying Seamen winning 11-8, picking up a
                                                            3 on the final end.
                                                                  The  Consolation  Plate  competition  pro-
                                                            gressed  alongside  the  main  event  and  in  the
                                                            semi-finals there were teams from local Club Pir-
                                                            rie Park, Crown from Havant, Meon Valley from
                                                            Bishops Waltham and Seend from Wiltshire.  The
                                                            last remaining Pirrie Park team – “Ginger Ninjas”
                                                            –  just  lost  out  to  Crown  3-5,  whilst  Seend
                                                            despatched Meon Valley 6-3.
                                                                  So Seend and Crown played off in the final
                                                            and it was a closely contested event with four
                                                            ends won by each team at the end.  However the
                                                            4 picked up on the 7th end with the score 5-4 to
                                                            Crown, nudged the Wiltshire triple into the lead
                                                            (8-5) and this was followed by a 3 on the final end
                                                            to make the score 11-5 to Seend.
                                                                  The organiser (Jason McLean) would like to
                                                            thank  Banister Park Indoor BC for hosting this
                                                            event.  At the time of going to press it is believed
                                                            the day has raised over £800 for Wessex Cancer
                    Plate Winners Seend                     Trust.
                                               Barbara  Sparling

                                KEITH HAWKINS RESIGNS
                                 KEITH HAWKINS RESIGNS
                                Keith Hawkins, the Administration Officer of the ESMBA, who did a
                                huge amount of organising work over the years has resigned from the
                                committee.  He was thanked by the committee for his past service.
                                      There is I suspect more to the story than this simple statement
                                but I cannot get a comment from anyone. Whatever the politics of the
                                situation, Keith certainly deserves a huge thanks for the work he un-
                                dertook. Sadly this has not come from the ESMBA but on behalf of the
                                grass roots Clubs and players - Thanks Keith!
                  All  correspondences  should  now  be  forwarded  to  the  Chairman,
   or 24 Burrow Road, Chigwell, Essex IG7 4HQ
            Tel: 0778 841 4311.
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