Page 26 - Layout 1
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Page 26:Layout 1  10/03/2016  16:56  Page 1

                                                                                  John McLean
            26                                                                    John McLean
                                                                             Players from Hampshire, Somer-
                                                                             set, Dorset, Wiltshire, East Sus-
                                                                             sex, West Midlands and London,
                                                                             played in the fifth running of the
                                                                             annual Charity Triples event in
                                                                             honour of John McLean (father
                                                                             of Jason McLean) who passed
                                                                             away in July 2010 from pancre-
                                                                             atic cancer.
                                                                                   It is an event run in support
                                                                             of  Wessex  Cancer Trust  on  or
                                                                             about the anniversary of John’s
                                                                             birthday and over the four years
                                                                             previous  to  this  year’s  event,
                                                                             around £4000 has been raised
                                                                             by the short mat bowlers.
                                                                                   Each  year  has  seen  a
                                                                             bumper raffle, along with other
                        Winners the Flying Seamen                            attractions like “Name the Bear”,
              Paul Seaman, Dan Winmill, & Karl Hudson                        and target bowls.  The raffle itself

                                                                             this year took 45 minutes to be
             drawn due to the number of donated prizes.
                   Playing in groups of five the 30 teams progressed through the round robin matches with
             some excellent bowling on display.  From novices
             to established County and England and ex-Eng-
             land  bowlers the spirit was “fellowship in bowls”
             throughout and with team names like “The Jedi
             Knights”, “Pineapple Pete & The 2 Mushtaqs”, ”Jin-
             gle Jangle Gangle” and “Cabbage & Two Cauli-
             flowers”    there  was  definitely  a  lot  of  frivolity
             around!  Also a variety of brightly coloured polo
             shirts and bowls
                   So into the knockout stages of the main com-
             petition went “Pineapple Pete” (Jody Bright, David
             White & Paul England), Jedi Knights (Barry Brind-
             ley, Richard Walker and Adam Easthope) “Jingle
             Jangle Gangle”  (Paul & Callum Goodman & Jason
             McLean) and The Morello Boys (George, Ben &
             Martin Cherry)” as four of the 12 qualifying teams.
                   The remaining 18 teams including “Cabbage
             & Two Cauliflowers” (novices Carly & mum Nicky
             Goodman, with Leah Wood), along with “Wrong
             Bias Club”, “Ginger Ninjas”, “Southern Gooners”
             went into a Consolation Plate competition.
                   In  the  main  competition,  the  preliminary           Runners-up Jedi Knights
             round  saw  The  Jedi  Knights  dispose  of  The             Barry Brindley, Richard Walker
             Morello Boys in a noisy match ending 8-6.                           & Adam Easthope
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