Page 3 - Summer 2017
P. 3
Chat Summer:Layout 1 13-Jul-17 8:23 AM Page 1
they gave no feedback,
3 they gave no feedback, plaining about the (appar-
which I would have ex-
which I would have ex- ent) lack of early help for
pected but nothing,
but nothing, the Swedish Association’s
Nada, Zilch! So you got
Nada, Zilch! So you got efforts in organising next
three blank pages
three blank pages in in- - year’s World Champi-
stead of one! onships. However, despite
stead of one!
I have moved on to
I have moved on to an extensive search I
another company who can’t locate it - sorry - an-
another company who
promise feedback if if
SHORT MAT CHAT promise feedback noying and it’s my fault.
things didn’t look right.
The trials and tribula- things didn’t look right. It seems that some
The trials and tribula-
Slightly dearer but not of our governing bodies
tions of publishing can
tions of publishing can Slightly dearer but not
too much.
be many and varied. but too much. are not that well organ-
be many and varied. but
Moving on you
complete puzzlement Moving on you ised, which is sad for our
was my reaction to the will see the page sport
was my reaction to the will see the page
printing cock-up in the about the reduction I have held over a few
printing cock-up in the about the reduction
last issue. There should
last issue. There should in your annual sub- items as I’ve already filled
in your annual sub-
have been just one scription rate to just 32 pages BUT NOT
have been just one
scription rate to just
blank page (my fault), ENOUGH. I don’t want to
blank page (my fault),
£6.95. A gamble yes skip an issue, so I need
instead of the three
instead of the three I I £6.95. A gamble yes
but I feel it is a very your news and views
got. but I feel it is a very
I think that as the positive step. about our sport.
I think that as the positive step.
cover was being Printing news and BUT BUT BUT when
printed on thicker views in the magazine re- sending any items with
paper this somehow lies on the facts as people photos, I need the photos
paper this somehow
confused the printers see them. I was going to separate from the text!!!!!
confused the printers
and I’m not sure why include an article com- Weaf
and I’m not sure why
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