Page 5 - Summer 2017
P. 5

Suffolk:Layout 1  24-Jul-17  8:02 PM  Page 1

                                                                                   5         SUFFOLK
                                                                                          Over  the  last  few
                                                                                          years  we  have  or-
                                                                                          ganized       tourna-
                                                                                          ments  for  various
                                                                                          charities,    among
                                                                                          them  being  The
                                                                                          Heart  Foundation,
             The Local Hospice, Suffolk Family Carers and this year's chosen charity was Cancer Research.
             We have a smaller venue now so numbers had to be cut from the 32 of previous years to 24.
                   We always organise our tournaments over 2 sessions starting an hour apart.  Even to ac-
             commodate the reduced number it was a case of when one session was playing the other
             could have a seat but nobody minded such is the popularity of our events.  To keep everyone
             involved through the day we run them with 4 points for win 2 points for a draw and 1 point for
             every end won. This way it is still possible to  lose a game and still collect enough points to win
                   We run to normal ESMBA rules apart from Jack off mat is re-spotted by the organiser
             using one of four points on the Jack and foot lines. To save time instead of not allowing the
             skip to visit the head he or she is allowed to walk up the side of mat, not on it, walk behind the
             fender all the way around and back to the delivery end without stopping.
                   This gives the skip the chance to see the head without continually asking which wood
             holds etc, which can sometimes take longer than allowing them to visit. The winner of the first
             group played the winner of the second group in the best of a three end sudden death tie break,
             with Neil Davidson, Karl Newby and Graham Mobbs beating Donna Mills, John Worne and
             Colin Sharp in the final.
                   We managed to get some sponsorship for the prize money and with a raffle (prizes all
             donated by those taking part) a spider, 1 - 100 board and a couple of other fundraising bits we
             raised the grand total of £906 but more than that everyone who was there enjoyed a great days
             bowling in a happy and relaxing atmosphere. I would also add that we had a few people who
             were disappointed there wasn't room and wanted to make sure they were included next time.
                   Margaret Hastings & Bob Cousins

                   Tournament Organisers -  Suffolk Short Mat Bowling Association

                                                            OPEN FOURS
                                                            OPEN FOURS

                                                            Sidford Short Mat Bowling club sent a team to the
                                                            Open Fours Competition at the Dorset Bowls Re-
                                                            sort where over 60 bowlers from 7 counties took
                                                            part over 2 days in an Open fours.
                                                                 At the end of day 1 Sidford led with maxi-
                                                            mum points and a superior shots difference. Day
                                                            2 saw Sidford loose the first game and were over-
                                                            taken but at the end they pulled through by beat-
                                                            ing the team in front of them in the last match and
                                                            brought the trophy back to Devon. The team were
                                                            Colin & Pam Palmer, Bev & Evan Williams.
                                                                 Evan Williams
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10