Page 20 - Spring 2019
P. 20

Page 20_Layout 1  03/04/2019  17:34  Page 1

                                              TAKING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS
                                               TAKING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS
                                              Firstly let me say that there is NO criticism of anyone’s
                                              photos, none whatsoever as I’m always grateful if, re-
                                              peat if, there is enough of an article to go with them.
                                              However, there are things that help putting photos in
                                              the magazine. Remember, no decent article, no photo,
                                              except in very rare circumstances.

                                              1) Feet are not interesting, so
                                              don’t include them and knees
                                              are no good either, so get in
                                              close  for  something  like  a
             waist up photo BUT include any trophies if they are lower.
             2) Please do not take photos from the side get everyone to
             stand directly in FRONT of the camera.

             3) Make sure everyone is looking directly at the Camera. Sorry
             Rodney but the Photo below was the ideal example. Everyone
             else in the Photo was great.

                                                          4) Do not have windows or another light source be-
                                                          hind the people in the photo. It can make the photo
                                                          very hard to reproduce as the camera is not capable
                                                          of seeing what your eye sees and the faces may not
                                                          be seen clearly.
                                                          5) Do NOT take a photo from a long way away. They
                                                          come out as though they were taken through the
                                                          wrong end of a telescope!
                                                          6) Do not play about with or re-size the photo. Send
                                                          me EXACTLY as it came out and let me make any
                                                          necessary adjustments, if I can BUT I can’t work mir-
                                                          7) I need to know who’s who in a photo, in order
                                                          please, WITH CHRISTIAN/FIRST NAMES AS WELL
                                                          AS SURNAMES.
             8) Out of Focus photos are usually no good whatsoever.
             To  achieve  the  above  GET  PEOPLE  TO  POSE

             FOR A PHOTO and don’t rush it!  AND FOR GODS                                   What did
                                                                                             What did
                                                                                          Bob say? I’ll
                                                                                          Bob say? I’ll
                                                                                             call him
             WRITING YOUR ARTICLE                                                            call him
             Do not just tell me who won; I need the scores as well AND
             PREFERABLY the actual scorecards. If you don’t want to
             send it/them or scan you can always take a photo of it/them.
             One correspondent sends me the running scores as 0-1, 2-
             1, 2-2 etc. etc. etc. with the winners scores listed first.
                   It’s an easy way of doing it. He also includes all the
             names, as they may not be in any photos. This allows me to
             add something to an article, writing blow by blow as a game
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