Page 5 - Spring 2019
P. 5

Page 5_Layout 1  03/04/2019  14:14  Page 1

             In round three Ireland suffered another blow losing to England 19 - 14. This left the Welsh
             pair facing Scotland, who had yet to win a match and they had no problems winning 24             5
             - 10 in the end to become the undefeated Premier Pairs Champions. (Ed- no photo as no-
             one supplied one).


                    Ireland start their run
                    Ireland start their run
                winning the Premier Triples
                winning the Premier Triples
             From this point on, Ireland dominated all
             the  titles  to  come.  Ronald,  Gordon  &
             Raymond Stubbs opened with a 20 - 14
             win  over  Scotland,  whilst  Wales  Liz
             Jones,  Rob  &  Nick  Evans  were  firmly
             dumped 23 - 4 by England’s Tom Clough,
             Steve Holdsworth & Ryan Knight.
                   In the second round the English trio
             were on the receiving end, losing 14 - 6
             to the Irish trio. Wales did bounce back
             with a 22 - 8 win over Scotland.
                    In the final round the Welsh trio had
             settled down and led the Irish 10 - 4 af-            Gordon, Ronnie & Raymond Stubbs
             ters even ends but seven ends later they                with IIBA President Flo McNally
             found themselves 15 - 11 down, leaving
             the Welsh needing four for a draw, which would still have given the Irish the title, or five for a
             win but in the end only managed a two to give the Irish a 15 - 13 win and the Triples title. Mean-
             while, a disappointed England were well beaten 18 - 10 by Scotland’s D. Kelly, S. Anderson &
             A Higgins.

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