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1.11                                                hibitors and visitors. VIVA TECHNOLOGY strongly discou-
                                                               rages exhibitors from using their own Wi-Fi infrastructure,
           The  putting  up  of  signs  or  direct/indirect  advertising  of   as these access points can interfere strongly with the VIVA
           trade names, brands, products or company names other   TECHNOLOGY infrastructure. In the event that an exhibi-
           than those of the authorised exhibitor is prohibited. Exhi-  tor wants to use their own Wifi infrastructure, it is impe-
           bitors must remove any sign or item deemed non-com-  rative to declare this to the organizers so that a reserved
           pliant when first ordered to do so and will not be entitled   channel is allocated to them. The power of the access
           to compensation; the Organiser may act on behalf of the   point should be set to a minimum and should never ex-
           offender, without any other action being taken.     ceed 5 dBm (3.12 mW), which reduces coverage to 20m
                                                               instead of 100m for a power default of 20 dBm (100 mW).
           1.12                                                The access point must be set to the reserved channel of
                                                               the 2.4 GHz band. The name of the Wifi network must
           Floor. Raised floor or platform are prohibited.     include the name of the sign of the stand or a precise re-
                                                               ference to the place. The reserved channel of the 5 GHz
           1.13                                                band is EXCLUSIVELY reserved for the general network set
                                                               up by the organizer. VIVA TECHNOLOGY ASSUMES NO
           No exhibit, sign or structure must impinge on the aisles.   LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE CAUSED BY INTERFERENCE OR
           No decorative item, furniture, sign or lighting must extend   LACK OF CONNECTION TO THE NETWORK.
           beyond the boundary of the stand. It is forbidden to use,
           in any way whatsoever, the spaces reserved for the circu-
           lation of visitors. It is strictly forbidden to place anything
           whatsoever over the aisles (sign, banner, walkway, etc.).   2. DELIVERY
           For the exhibitors invited on a Lab or on the Discovery,
           setting up Kakemonos, visuals or banners in the asiles or
           in your stand is strictly prohibited.               2.1

           1.14                                                Exhibitors, as well as their fitters, service providers or sup-
                                                               pliers, are obliged to adhere to the instructions of the Or-
           Electrical connection. It is strictly forbidden to connect   ganiser and Paris Expo Porte de Versailles with regard to
           up to another stand’s power supply or to divert power to   the regulations pertaining to the entry and exit of vehicles,
           another stand.                                      equipment and goods, particularly the movement of
                                                               vehicles within the grounds of Paris Expo Porte de Ver-
           1.15                                                sailles and in the area around Hall 1. For safety/security
                                                               reasons, personnel duly authorised by Paris Expo Porte
           Fire Safety Precautions. On stands including a fire hose ca-  de Versailles have the right to demand that vehicles be
           binet, it is imperative that it remain accessible at all times   opened and/or searched, with no possibility of avoiding it.
           in case the emergency services need to intervene. A fire
           hose cabinet must not be enclosed in a room or cupboard   2.2
           nor must it be obscured by plants or decorations. It must
           remain freely accessible for the duration of the exhibition.   These instructions expect drivers to adhere to the highway
           Similarly, the fire extinguishers installed by the technical   code and keep to a maximum speed limit of 20 kmph. It is
           department of Paris Expo Porte de Versailles or on the re-  also forbidden to stop or park in marked taxi, bus and/or
           commendation of the Safety Officer - on or right next to   emergency access lanes. Similarly, it is strictly forbidden
           the stands - may not under any circumstances be moved   for vehicles to circulate inside the exhibition hall.
           and must remain accessible at all times.
                                                               Exhibitors are personally responsible for transporting and
           Rigging. Overhead rigging is prohibited.            receiving their own parcels and merchandise, and for
                                                               checking the contents and delivery condition. The Orga-
           1.17                                                niser will not under any circumstances accept or hold any
                                                               items on behalf of exhibitors and accepts no responsibility
           VIVA TECHNOLOGY sets up a wireless network for all ex-  for any damage, theft or other problem with goods, ma-

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