Page 88 - Magazine 2018-19
P. 88

BSGS Panorama

               Article by Students and Teachers

DREAMING BIG ENOUGH                                                    THE UNEXPLORED
                                                                 CORNERS OF THE EARTH
Waking up and dreaming about something you may want
very passionately is a wonderful feeling. Having dreams          Science and Technology has made everything possible on
not simply means what you see while sleeping. It comes           this Earth. Today, Science is so advanced that even Black
from within you and you have to mould your thoughts              hole(found on 5th April, which is 55 million eight years
accordingly. All you need is ‘Passion’. Being able to            away from Earth) have been found. But still, some secrets
dream big is a blessing because when we dream big, we            are present. This wonderful world and sensible nature has
see a higher level of connection and ascension. To               kept many secrets with them. Let’s discover those secrets
consider a big dream is to consider your potential as a          with a little imagination and some creativity.
powerful creator and this is a really good thing!                1. Vale Do Jvari, Brazil : This region, home to at least 14 of
                                                                 the Amazon’s tribes, is one of the most isolated places in the
Dreaming is a multi-step process. Although coming up             world, in past by design. An estimated 2,0000 indigenous
with an idea of how you are going to spend your life is          people live autonomously from the Brazilian government in
important but, acting upon that idea is half the battle          an area about the size of Australia. The tribes right to live in
won. Your dream has nothing to do with what other                isolation is protected by a federal agency.
people think of you. Others may want you to become a             2. Northern Forest Complex, Myanmar : Many of the
doctor but you might be dreamingabout becoming a                 subtropical forests located on the steep slopes of
painter. This is notwrong, because you have the right of         Easternmost stretch of the Himalayas are virtually
dreaming about everything, whatever you heart desires.           untouched by human activity. Deep within the forests in
                                                                 Myanmar’s Kachin state lies the largest tiger preserver in the
We have seen many people who limit their dreams. They            world. It’s also home to Bears, Red Pandas and Gibbons.
dream according to their situation and comfort .That is          3. Bermuda Triangle : The Bermuda Triangle also
not dreaming big enough. A big dream is your soul’s way          known as the Devil’s triangle or Hurricane Alley, is a
of reaching the highest vibration from this place in             loosely-defined region in the western part of the North
universe. As the saying goes ‘If your dreams don’t scare         Atlantic Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are
you, they aren’t big enough’.                                    said to have disappeared under mysterious
                                                                 circumstance. Some believe the alien powers rest there.
Let your imagination run into wild and infinity and see           Nobody is confident about their opinion as nobody dares
                                                                 to visit such mysterious place. Those who dared have
where it takes you. ‘When you try to reach for the stars         disappeared and the parts of planes or ships are left.

you may not get one, but you won’t come up with a pond                                                    By-Prashasti Arya Jha

full of mud either’.  By-Devika, IX’B’                           understood from the fact that as soon as we are born, our
                                                                 parents start educating us about essential things in life. A
        IMPORTANCE OF                                            toddler starts learning new words and develops
      EDUCATION IN LIFE                                          vocabulary based on what his parents teach him. They
                                                                 educate him who is his father, mother etc. and how to
Education is important for the personal, social and              behave with each person giving them due respect. They
economic development of the nation. Education                    also impart him priceless knowledge about ethics,
empowers minds that will be able to conceive good                morals, rights from the beginning when he has a tender
thoughts and ideas. Education enables students to do             mind so that these qualities stay with him for the entire life
the analysis while making life decision. Life gives various      in the form of conditionings.
survival challenges for humans. But education guides
human to fight with the failure and get success in life.          Parents guide their child not just into the first steps when
Education is not about getting degree, it is about how you       he starts learning how to walk; they also guide him on the
can live with your own feet.                                     steps to be taken with behaviour, morality and respect.
                                                                 They educate him about the rules of the society and why
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can             they need to be followed to become a good human being.
use to change the world”.-Nelson Mandela. Education              As the child grows older, his ambitions and
helps to become a good student, parents, entrepreneurs,
doctors, siblings and honest citizen. Being in contact with                                               By-Neha Palak, IX’A’
an educated person and having an intelligent
conversation with him expands knowledge and
introduces a certain creativity and joy in the world.

The value of education and its significance can be

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