Page 86 - Magazine 2018-19
P. 86

BSGS Panorama

               Article by Students and Teachers

                    इंसान                                             BEAUTY LIES IN THE
                                                                   EYES OF THE BEHOLDER
बखर गया जो ह क आधँ ी से सह न सका तफू ान
है ह मत नह ं उसके अदं र नह ं हो सकता वो इंसान।                     Beauty is captivating, but what is beauty when it
गर इंसाँ हो तो,चलो उठो.... हर मुि कल राह पर डटे रहो                comes to human beings? Beauty isn’t something
न हारो....न डरो और न कभी थको तमु ,                                 that comes from physical appearance. Physical
बाधाओं से घबराकर , न कदम अपने खीच तमु                              attractiveness is deceptive. What really matters
नया जोश और नई उमगं े नत दय म धारो तमु                              is the nature of a person. It is true that beautiful or
देखो तु हारे इस ज बे से कै से मटता तफू ान                          handsome people are more appealing, but we
तु हारे अपने ह यास से होगी यह राह आसान                             can have a reliable relationship and long lasting
सफलताएँ चमू गी कदम तु हारे, य क, तु ह हो वो इंसान                  trust only in the personalities of people. Physical
कमठ मेहनती इंसान, स चे और नके इंसान........                        appearance of a person might fade as years
                                                                   pass on, but his or her character doesn’t. Some
                                              नहे ा कु मार , IX ब  great personalities who have left a long lasting
                                                                   impact on us have made us realize the
         देश क वतमान ि थ त                                         importance of inner beauty: Nelson Mandela,
                                                                   Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa.
क चड़ हो गई देश क माट , रण भू म हर ाम है,
यहाँ सुबह म गोल छू टती, दहशत भरती शाम है।                          Nelson Mandela is a great man known for his
यहाँ के मं ी राजकोष से, खाया करते चारा ह,                          sacrifices. Mandela was willing to sacrifice his
                                                                   life in order to bring equality and get equal rights
   टाचार मटाने का फर भी देते नारा है।                              for Blacks in South Africa. He is definitely a
अफसर का आदश यहाँ पर, बईमानी का काम है,                             legend with inner beauty.Gandhiji who fought for
क चड़ हो गई देश क माट , रण-भू म एचआर ाम है।सड़क                      a free India, was a man of inner beauty.If we
यहाँ क टू ट -फू ट , नाले सारे जाम है,                              learn about sacrifices that Mother Teresa made
टै स वसूलना और खा जाना यह सरकार काम है।                            in her life to serve the poor, had a beauty which
क चड़ हो गई देश क माट , रण भू म हर ाम है।                           lied inside her. We don’t see the appearance of
                                                                   these people to keep them as our inspirations.
                                                                   Their talent and achievements are incomparable
                                                                   and that is what made them world famous.

                                                                   Only when we know about what real beauty is
                                                                   then we will understand what we see on the
                                                                   outside is just a projection. This is similar to how
                                                                   we see a Jackfruit as a hard and rough fruit from
                                                                   outside but a sweet and yummy fruit from
                                                                   outside. In the same way it is true that,” Beauty
                                                                   lies in the Eyes of the Beholder”.

ह र या बगा रया                                                     By-Rashmi Vidyawati
      VIII अ                                                                    IX’A’

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