Page 5 - EHDD ONEder Grant Report
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        Capturing Unique Stories and Provoking Conversation

        Process                                        The ONEder Grant                              The EHDD Team                                  Discussions

        In early 2020, we began receiving calls from   This project was made possible by an          We are a group of interior designers,          We are inspired by the generosity, passion,    Wendy Hillis
        our Higher Ed Clients to help them plan for    ONEder Grant by ONE Workplace. It has         architects, an educator, and a public health   and dedication of the students, faculty, and    Assistant Vice Chancellor and Campus
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Architect, UC Berkeley
        the potential impacts of the Pandemic. We      been an incredible opportunity to integrate   graduate/research fellow from EHDD             thought leaders who have contributed their
        reached out to a student at UC Berkeley’s      emerging research directly into our work      Architecture, with a passion for the value of   time and ideas to this project. Their ideas   George Ingersoll
        School of Public Health, Jerome Wang,          and has been a hopeful project in uncertain   education and the college experience. The      and stories serve as the foundation of this    Associate Dean of Masters and Professional
        whom we met through a project with             times. The guidance and resources ONE         previous year has made us acutely aware of     work to reveal emerging possibilities. There   Education at USC Dornslife College of
        Berkeley Innovation, a student consulting      Workplace has provided through the            how the environments we live, work, and        is a profound and shared desire to use the     Letters, Arts and Sciences
        group, and offered him a Research              process have been invaluable.                 learn can profoundly impact our health and     current crisis to come together to make real   Dr. Ellen Junn
        Fellowship. This fellowship focused on the                                                   wellbeing. We aim to find opportunities        change in education. The hopefulness is        President, CSU Stanislaus
        Pandemic’s impacts on faculty and students                                                   to use the last year’s lessons to transform    tangible. This is our opportunity to rebuild
        through a deep dive into emerging research.                                                  how we think about teaching and learning       and reimagine better.                          Alison Kwok
        He also talked directly to students and                                                      environments and better serve faculty and                                                     Architecture Professor and Researcher,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   University of Oregon
        educators across the country about their                                                     students in the years ahead.                   A special thank-you to those who
        experiences.                                                                                                                                contributed their time and ideas to this       William Lee
                                                                                                     Emily Bello                                    project:                                       Director of Educational Environments,
        It became clear that while the effects have                                                  Jerome Wang                                                                                   Steelcase
        been profound, the impacts from one                                                          Lindsey Quinones                               Kate Rancourt                                  Melinda Milligan
        student to another or one campus to another                                                  Mary Lee                                       Associate Creative Director, One Workplace     Professor of Sociology, Sonoma State
        can be wildly different. Moving ahead, each                                                  Doris Guerrero                                 Joshua Niedermann                              University
        campus will face unique challenges and                                                                                                      Market Development Manager, One
        opportunities.                                                                                                                              Workplace                                      Manuel Rosaldo
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Assistant Professor of labor Relations, Penn

        Later that Fall, we were awarded an ONEder                                                                                                  Ashley Arhart                                  State
        Grant to build on that research to leverage                                                                                                 Microsoft Ethics and Society                   Kristina Woolsey
        this time of unprecedented change and                                                                                                       Elizabeth Beaven                               Scholar and Cognitive Scientist, Consultant
        disruption to reimagine environments for                                                                                                    Provost, California Institute of Integral      UC Berkeley Innovation Group
        teaching and learning. Our process involved                                                                                                 Studies
        surveys and discussions with a range of                                                                                                                                                    EHDD Staff
        students, faculty, and thought leaders. The                                                                                                 Maria Coronado Cabrera
                                                                                                                                                    Graduate Student Researcher
        findings are documented here, along with                                                                                                    University of Oregon
        a toolkit of ideas and resources. We put
        our toolkit into action by revisiting the “21st                                                                                             Greg Careaga
        Century Learning Model as it applies to                                                                                                     Head of Assessment and Planning, UC
        physical spaces.                                                                                                                            Santa Cruz
                                                                                                                                                    Michael Dannenberg
        Our goal is to share ideas, create a dialog,                                                                                                Director of New and Emerging
        and positively impact students’ and faculty’s                                                                                               Technologies, Vantage
        experiences in the years ahead.
                                                                                                                                                    Karen Fiene
                                                                                                                                                    Campus Architect, Mills College
                                                                                                                                                    Michelle Gayle
                                                                                                                                                    CSO, Spatializing Inc.

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