Page 10 - EHDD ONEder Grant Report
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UNCERTAINTY IS THE NEW NORMAL “It is the role of graduate and post-
graduate education to address the
Future-inspired design can support positive change urgent issues of today and to find
solutions. How do we switch from
being formed and guided by the past to
being guided by what is emerging from
the future?”
Elizabeth Beaven, Provost, CIIS
It did not take a pandemic for people to How can we provide extreme flexibility to We developed 5 key strategies for
talk about the future of education. That create spaces that adapt to this level of navigating these issues with an eye towards
conversation started long ago. However, change at this frantic pace? the future and for creating meaningful
it did take a pandemic to force the rapid and impactful college experiences. Our
shifts in how education was delivered. If we can effectively impart knowledge approach is centered on the human
While much of the change was detrimental virtually, what conditions can students and experience.
to students and put an enormous burden faculty want to come together on campus?
on faculty, it also showed that change is There isn’t one solution that will work
possible. Over the next few years, there is an We developed five key strategies for on every project or every campus as
opportunity to think seriously about change navigating these issues with an eye individual experiences and impacts have
and the value of change in educational towards the future and creating meaningful greatly varied. We consider these ideas as
environments. The need will be different and impactful college experiences. Our provocations and tools for thinking about
from campus to campus, student to student, approach is centered on the human higher education environments in the years
educator to educator, but there is a window experience. ahead.
of possibility within the pathways ahead.
No one solution will work on every project These strategies are:
Many institutions are looking at the next five or every campus as individual experiences
years as an opportunity to test the waters, to and impacts have greatly varied. We 1. Design for Connection
reflect and listen, and to build toward a new consider these ideas as provocations and 2. Design for All Needs
future incrementally. The rapid adoption of tools for thinking about higher education 3. Design for Agency
hybrid approaches to teaching and learning environments in the years ahead. 4. Design for Wellness
is a vital part of this experimentation phase. 5. Design for the Future
What does this mean in the short term
We need to dramatically shift our mindset for the design of physical learning
and our comfort levels in navigating environments?
uncertainty. That uncertainty can be
leveraged. Why not involve students and How can we provide for radical flexibility
faculty in the process transparently and to create spaces that adapt to this level of
collaboratively? This is an opportunity change at this frantic pace?
to shape the future together, with an eye
to accountability, research, and a shared If we can effectively impart knowledge
understanding of the desired outcomes.
virtually, what are the conditions that
students and faculty would want to come
What does this mean in the short term together on campus?
for the design of physical learning