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         Design for Connection

                                                        Connection is Fundamental                     Connecting Students                           Peer to Peer Learning                            Resources and References

                                                        A key benchmark for student success           With a renewed focus on the importance        Connecting students in an academic
                                                        is student-faculty interaction. Close         of the college experience’s social aspects,   environment through peer-to-peer learning        Articles:
                                                        interaction between faculty and students      spaces that allow students to meet, connect,   and collaborative projects have improved
                                                        is a critical factor in student learning,     and collaborate are essential in the years    learning outcomes and makes students             Christensen Institute | Social
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Connections Matter Now More
                                                        engagement, development, and college          ahead. Places that allow for serendipitous    intrinsically more inspired to learn. “Studies   Than Ever.  Here’s How Schools Can
                                                        satisfaction. All campus environments need    interactions can allow students to build      indicate that when young learners are            Prioritize Them.
                                                        to be focused on bringing students together   social networks and connect them to           given expanded opportunities to actively
                                                        and providing spaces and resources for        others with different majors, backgrounds,    and equitably participate in collaborative       “Education systems need to embrace
                                                        students and faculty to connect from          interests, and abilities.                     learning activities, they experienced            a two-fold mission: triaging an
                                                        classrooms to corridors.                                                                    feelings of wellbeing, contentment, or even
            Key Take-Aways                                                                                                                          excitement.”                                     academic crisis and a social crisis.”

            > Learning is social.                                                                     Considerations:                               Considerations:                                  Research:

            > The college experience is social.                                                       What are the opportunities to bring a         How can learning spaces be reimagined to         Importance of Student Connection
                                                                                                      diverse cross-section of students together    support peer-to-peer learning?                   Farrell, L. C., Jorgenson, D.,
            > Interaction between teachers                                                            in an engaging environment that supports                                                       Fudge, J., & Pritchard, A. (2018).
            and students improves learning                 “Switching classroom structure from        interaction?                                  How can peer-to-peer learning be                 College Connectedness: The
            outcomes, retention and graduation             didactic lectures to one centered                                                        supported in a way that supports a variety       Student Perspective. Journal of the
            rates.                                         around peer instruction improves           How can social environments on campus         of learning styles?                              Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     18(1), 75–95.
                                                           learners’ conceptual understanding         feel welcoming and allow for various                                                           josotl.v18i1.22371
            > The pandemic has  revealed the               (Duncan, 2005; Mazur, 1997), reduces       places that feel comfortable to a range of
            value of meaningful connection in              student attrition in difficult courses     students?                                                                                      “Peer instruction benefits not just
            the college experience.                        (Lasry, Mazur, & Watkins, 2008),                                                                                                          the specific questions posed during
                                                           decreases failure rates (Porter,                                                                                                          discussion, but also improves
            What is the potential at the campus            Bailey-Lee, & Simon, 2013), improves                                                                                                      accuracy on later similar problems
            scale?                                         student attendance (Deslauriers,                                                              “ I really believe in peer to peer          (e.g., Smith et al., 2009). One of the
                                                                                                                                                         learning, it’s the most powerful way
                                                           Schelew, & Wieman, 2011), and                                                                 to learn in higher education… It’s not      consistent empirical hallmarks of peer
            The campus can be re-imagined as a             bolsters student engagement (Lucas,                                                           going to lecture and just sitting down      instruction is that students’ answers
            place of connection.                           2009) and attitudes to their course                                                           and listening to a lecturer talking about   are more frequently correct following
                                                           (Beekes, 2006).                                                                               a subject. Even if it’s a live zoom, the    discussion than preceding it”
                                                                                                                                                         peer to peer contact has been taken
                                                                                                                                                         away from us. We need to find new
                                                                                                                                                         ways to employ peer to peer learning
                                                                                                                                                         that is more than just zoom breakout

                                                                                                                                                         - Faculty

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