Page 15 - EHDD ONEder Grant Report
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STRATEGY 2 : Resources and References
Design for All Needs
How Social Spaces Foster Creativity
and Innovation | Haworth Blog
Design for a Wide Range of Needs Design to Support Creativity Design for Innovation Building the Classroom of the Future
| Steelcase
Students are the emerging innovators and Creative thinking requires a culture that Supporting innovative thinking requires
creative strategists who will be tasked supports and encourages imagination. providing a range of spaces that enable Inspiring Spaces to Boost Creative
with solving our worlds’ most complex Spaces should provide focused thought with focus, research, ideation, collaboration, Confidence | Work Design magazine
challenges. This will require broad views or access to nature or the outdoors prototyping, and the ability to share and
collaboration, interdisciplinary thinking, for physical and mental breaks. Inspiring test ideas with an audience. Promoting Mapping the Innovator’s Brain | 3
partnership, and impassioned dedication. spaces support expansive thinking, allowing innovation in higher education requires practical ideas to Fuel Innovation,
Developing and testing these skills requires students to work in new and interesting places that bring together students with based on the latest Neuroscience
a novel set of learning environments. ways. different brain styles and interests and Research
collaborate in novel ways.
Studies suggest that creative thinking is Considerations: “People’s ability to innovate is
nurtured through a combination of focus, Unprecious spaces with flexible furniture crucial to technological and cultural
reflection, and restorative mental breaks; How can campuses nurture students’ promote planned and unplanned progress, and in this day and age,
our learning spaces need to support our new imagination by supporting an institutional experimentation and the flow of ideas. maybe even crucial to survival.”
understanding of how learning happens. culture that gives greater value to creativity and
Key Take-Aways Places to enhance creativity and promote its expression? Considerations: “Innovation happens when regions
innovation should not be limited to of our brain that normally ignore
> Campus environments need to students. Staff and faculty have experienced How can teachers be given the tools and What types of environments support bringing each other start communicating.”
support a broad spectrum of student increasing demands on their skills and time. agency to enhance their own creativity as an a range of students together to collaborate and
and faculty needs. They need an ecosystem of resources that integral part of their work? test new ideas? Research:
support collaboration, focus, wellness, Beaty, Roger & Kenett. (2018). Robust
> Engaging stakeholders in a dialog creative thought, and innovative teaching. How are students given agency to share their Prediction of Individual Creative
about the specific needs and activities work and ideas on campus for feedback and Ability from Brain Functional
are required to design spaces that discussion? Connectivity. Proceedings of the
better serve the unique campus making National Academy of Sciences. 115.
community. space focus prototyping 10.1073/pnas.1713532115.
pods lab mentoring Alencar, Eunice & Fleith, Denise &
What is the potential at the campus meditation pods Pereira, Nielsen. (2017). Creativity
scale? in Higher Education: Challenges
space collaboration and Facilitating Factors. Temas em
Classroom buildings should provide hub Psicologia. 25. 553-561. 10.9788/
a broader range of spaces to support TP2017.2-09.
student and faculty needs and nature
promote innovation and creativity. walk ideas innovation “The importance of fostering student
creativity in higher education
unexpected ideation forum gallery has been widely recognized, due
environments hub to the need for preparing young
people for the uncertain and
complex world of work, which
requires individuals to be able
to use their creative abilities. “