Page 16 - EHDD ONEder Grant Report
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        Design for Agency

                                                       Design for Agency in Process                   Design for Agency in Campus                                                                     Resources and References
                                                                                                      Environments                                         “It’s about being aware that
                                                                                                                                                           everybody comes to the
                                                                                                                                                           table with a different set of
                                                                                                      Empowering students and faculty agency               circumstances and its not one
                                                       Meaningful engagement of stakeholders in       over their environment allows them to                                                           Studies:
                                                       the design process results in projects rooted   adapt the space to their needs actively. It         size fits all.  I’ve been talking to
                                                       in a deep sense of place that respond to       promotes belonging.                                  my colleagues and it’s like, this is       Guney, A. & Al, S. Effective Learning
                                                                                                                                                           an opportunity for a reset!  We
                                                       their users’ unique needs and unearth each                                                          can really start to design more            Environments in Relation to Different
                                                       environment’s unique potential. The design     Designing spaces that promote belonging              equitable spaces.”                         Learning Theories. Procedia - Soc.
                                                       process is a tool for building partnerships    and reflect the campus community’s                                                              Behav. Sci. 46, 2334–2338 (2012).
                                                       and engaging stakeholders.                                                                          - Karen Fiene, Campus Architect
                                                                                                      identity means giving stakeholders agency            and Head of Facilities, Mills
                                                                                                      in the process. This means allowing for                                                         Wilson, H. K. & Cotgrave, A. Factors
                                                       The most effective stakeholder engagement      surprise in the process and unearthing               College                                    that influence students’ satisfaction
                                                       process is one that:                                                                                                                           with their physical learning
                                                                                                      hidden potential in every project.
            Key Take-Aways                             •  Carefully curates the right questions for                                                                                                   environments. Struct. Surv. 34, 256–
                                                                                                                                                                                                      275 (2016).
                                                           each group                                 Enabling choice in how users engage with
            >  Giving stakeholders the ability to      •  Balances “blue sky thinking” with a         learning environments supports a wide                                                           Sue Clegg (2011) Cultural capital
            shape campus development leads                 clear understanding of constraints         range of teaching and learning styles and                                                       and agency: connecting critique
            to projects that are more adaptable,       •  Allows for unexpected ideas and             needs, personalities, and neurodiversity.                                                       and curriculum in higher education,
            successful and better support the              opportunities to emerge                                                                                                                    British Journal of Sociology of
            needs of the unique student body.          •  Tackles the tough or “tricky” issues in a   Providing the choice to engage remotely in                                                      Education, 32:1, 93-108, DOI:
                                                           way where stakeholders feel heard so       a meaningful way better supports students                                                       10.1080/01425692.2011.527723
            > Giving students and faculty agency           that they can move past sticking points    and faculty and the other demands on their
            to adapt their environments creates            to see the bigger picture                  lives.                                                                                          Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A., &
            spaces that better serve their needs.      •  It makes the invisible visible –                                                                                                            Northcote, M. (2017). Community in
                                                           discovering the hidden patterns,           Considerations:                                                                                 Online Higher Education: Challenges
            What is the potential at the campus            culture, and unique experiences of a                                                                                                       and Opportunities. 15(2), 11.
            scale?                                         place                                      How can students be given agency to adapt
                                                                                                      their physical environments to suit their needs                                                 Articles:
            The campus should be actively                                                             better?
            adapted by its users in a way that         Considerations:                                                                                                                                EDSurge | How Student Agency Can
            promotes belonging and supports a                                                         How can places be provided for student                                                          Ease the pain of Remote Learning and
            wide range of interests and abilities.     How can a wide range of stakeholders be        expression and identity?                                                                        Teaching
                                                       engaged in the process to uncover new
                                                       opportunities and leverages user expertise?
            The  campus can provide a framework
            for student expression and community       How can the design process be used as a way to
            identity.                                  build and strengthen community?

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