Page 17 - EHDD ONEder Grant Report
P. 17
Design for Wellness
Taking a Holistic View of Wellness Benefits of Biophilic Environments Wellness is Social
A healthy campus promotes a definition Beyond the aesthetic impact, the integration Campus environments are designed
of wellness-centered around physical, and incorporation of restorative and greener to either deter or promote connection.
mental, social, and cognitive health, elements have lasting academic and health Wellness is not only physical; it is also
transforming the college into a dynamic impacts for students and faculty on campus. social. Dedicating spaces for building
resource for holistic health. Wellness must Biophilic elements have been shown to meaningful connections and dialog allow
no longer be synonymous and confined to improve the ability to focus. Looking out students and faculty places to meet new
traditional health spaces that respond to the window to a view of nature or an indoor 80% of college students report people and build relationships that can have
sickness. There is an excellent opportunity plant gives the brain a chance to have a that COVID-19 has negatively a lasting effect on their feeling of belonging
for wellness to permeate every existing quick break from exhausting cognitive tasks. impacted their mental health and wellbeing.
space within the campus, choosing healthy Biophilic environments can not only improve As college campuses serve an increasingly
behaviors. productivity; they can reduce anxiety and diverse student body, ensuring spaces
College is a stressful time of exploration promote a sense of wellbeing. Especially improve social health will become a
and growth that often leaves students in places where outdoor air quality has greater priority. These spaces also provide
and faculty members more vulnerable to become an issue or where the climate forces “Since CoVID, teachers were an opportunity to connect to the larger
Key Take-Aways
reduced wellbeing. With the changing people indoors, the indoor environment’s more understanding of mental community.
> A growing body of research shows student population, more and more quality is of critical importance. health: classes started dropping
coursework for the wellbeing
that the environments where we work students are coming to college with no of students. Having a non
and learn have a significant impact means to support or treat a health crisis Considerations: reactionary, more coordinated Considerations:
on our psychological, physiological, financially. It is essential through intentional solid framework and guideline
social, and cognitive health. design and culture change that universities What are opportunities to bring the of how mental health will Where do students and faculty go to
carry out preventable health missions outdoors indoors in and the indoors out? be addressed in class and refresh or recharge?
> Students and faculty are returning how it affects coursework is
to campus with higher expectations How can spaces be provided with high air important.” How can spaces promote belonging and
on the hell and wellness of their Considerations: quality indoor and out? - Student 8/20 help diminish power dynamics between
learning and working environments. different parties?
Do we need more health centers or Can you utilize different components of
increased access to health-related support nature for different learning and study How are students from different
> Wellness is not just physical; it is
also psychological, cognitive, and across campus to promote a preventative styles? backgrounds and experiences going to
social. approach to health and wellness? naturally meet each other in these spaces?
Are there different types of health
What is the potential at the campus
scale? amenities that could be distributed across
campus and integrated into every building?
The campus can be reconcieved as
a resource for student, faculty and How can you restore the health and 1 in 5 college students say their
community wellness. wellness of everyone who comes to the mental health has significantly
campus? worsened under COVID-19