Page 19 - EHDD ONEder Grant Report
P. 19

        Design for the Future

                                                       The Future is Now                              Design for the Next Generation                 Design for Creative Use                          discussion and feedback. Experience and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      opportunity are the new metrics for space
                                                       Every campus evolves.  While the campus        The next generation of college students        A tennis court as a dance studio, a gym as       use.
                                                       may seem to remain constant, the invisible     has different expectations and visions         a classroom, parking lots as community
                                                       patterns and flows, a hidden culture of        of their college experience than those         gathering areas... many campuses offering        Design for Testing and Prototyping
                                                       use, and community identity change more        of the designers and educators creating        in-person learning in 2020 were forced
                                                       readily. Any buildings on campus will see an   the spaces they will learn. Campuses           to test unexpected uses of their existing        With so much uncertainty in the years
                                                       enormous change in these “invisible aspects    should be designed with the concerns and       spaces quickly. Not all were successful,         ahead, and campuses need spaces for
                                                       of place” over its lifetime. They must be      opportunities of the next generation in        but lessons learned in the types of spaces       testing a prototyping new approaches to
                                                       designed to be flexible in the short term and   mind.                                         lent themselves to more adaptable use.           space use. Faculty need to experiment with
                                                       allow for long-term adaptability.                                                             Large auditoriums with fixed seating and         a range of hybrid teaching approaches
                                                                                                                                                     tiered floors do not lend themselves well        and spaces with various active learning
                                                       The disruptions caused by COVID-19 have                                                       to adaptation. Moreover, many of the             approaches. A prototyping culture means
                                                       proven that rapid adaptation is possible.          “A picture of Generation Alpha,            students and faculty we talked to felt that      providing faculty and students with various
                                                       While much of the change over the past year        if a blurry one, is starting to            these learning experiences were better in        teaching labs and support spaces to have
                                                       has had devastating impacts on the college         emerge.  Analysts have stated              an online model. Large classrooms with flat      agency over their teaching and learning
            Key Take-Aways                             experience, it has also opened a window of         that they are or will grow                 floors became a hot commodity, especially        experience and continue to adapt it.
                                                       opportunity. Now is a moment to reflect,           up to be the best-educated                 with features like views, access to the          Campuses need “blank space” set aside for
                                                       reconsider and refocus.                            generation ever, the most                  outdoors, and a robust ventilation system.       rapid experimentation and different uses
            > The next generation of learners                                                             technologically immersed, the              The open Workplace is highly flexible but        from semester to semester to see what
            have different expectations, needs,                                                           wealthiest, and the generation             is less effective than private offices when      works and what does not.
            and acuities. Buildings and campuses                                                          more likely than any in the                seen through the lens of possible disease
            must adapt.                                                                                   past century to spend some or              transmission. These lessons could have           Considerations:
                                                                                                          all of their childhood in living           lasting impacts on the types of spaces
            > Change is possible.                            “People under 30 are much                    arrangements without both                  campuses choose to build moving forward.         How can we design for the next
                                                             more concerned about climate                 biological parents.”                                                                        generation?
                                                             change and they want to make                                                            In any case, the most adaptable spaces are
                                                             a difference at an individual
            What is the potential at the campus              level.  They are concerned about             -The Atlantic: Oh no, They’ve              those that incorporate healthy, inspiring,       How can we design for uncertainty?
            scale?                                           equity--whether it’s racial equity,          Come Up With Another                       and unique environments that faculty
                                                             gender equity, sexual orientation            Generation Label                           and students positively experience.              What are the opportunities to create
            The campus is a prototyping lab for              equity, economic equity, or now                                                         Advancements in scheduling technology            inspiring environments that leverage the
            the next generation.                             even the term ecological equity                                                         can give students and faculty more agency        unique possibilities of a place?
                                                             or sustainability. These are some                                                       in scheduling campus resources. It can also
                                                             of the things students are very                                                         allow them to choose spaces based not            Resources:
                                                             interested in and they want to                                                          only on the room type and size but also on       The Generation After Gen Z | The Atlantic
                                                             see it on their own campuses and                                                        the qualities of the space: access to view,
                                                             in their own classrooms.  How                                                           technology resources, access to daylight,        Getting to Know Generation Alpha |
                                                             do we foster this and show clear                                                        or how secluded it is. Universities can track    Keystone Academic
                                                             support?”                                                                               this information to understand what space
                                                                                                                                                     characteristics are in the highest demand.       Does Generation Alpha Need a Super
                                                             -Dr Ellen Junn, President CSU
                                                                                                                                                     It can also promote unique uses of these         Education?
                                                                                                                                                     spaces beyond classrooms or workspaces.
                                                                                                                                                     A group of students could book a small
                                                                                                                                                     classroom as a collaborative study space,
                                                                                                                                                     a meeting place for their club, showcase a
                                                                                                                                                     project, and invite community members for

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