Page 9 - EHDD ONEder Grant Report
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                                                                                                                                                                                                     Resources and References

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Promoting Physical Distance, Not
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Social Distance | EdSpaces Insights

        Reframing the Value of Higher Education        New Student Needs / New Faculty Needs          Need to Adapt and Test New Models             The Cliff                                        One Workplace |  The Classroom as
        Many institutions have seen a pattern of       Students have new and heightened needs,        The pandemic kicked off a time of rapid       The United Nations projects that the births
        shrinking enrollment numbers over the past     they need better access to support.            development to meet new and emerging          in the US will decline by 22% in the next 50
        year. Recent polls have shown that both        Beyond financial constraints, students have    needs and respond to an evolving world        years.  That decline is projected to cause a     Higher Ed Magazine | The Looming
        returning students and incoming freshmen       struggled over the past year with academic     context.  Spaces are needed on campus to      15% reduction in college student population      Higher Ed Enrollment Cliff
        are increasingly questioning Higher            support, connecting with faculty, forming      test and prototype new models of teaching     by 2025 with continued decline in the
        Education’s value. This is an opportunity to   peer study groups, finding counseling and      and learning, to engage the community in      years after.  While the impact is expected
        reframe and reinforce Higher Education’s       accessing health services.  Campuses can       new ways and find strategic partnerships.     to vary greatly depending on geographic          The Hechinger Report | College
        value by addressing the new and evolving       leverage technology to provide students        Sustaining a culture of creativity and        location and across various models of            Student Population Predicted to Fall by
        needs and interests of future students and     a roadmap to campus services and can           innovation require new types of learning      higher ed institutions, the effects will be      15% by 2025
        quickly adapting to a time of significant      connect them to peer mentors and support       and working environments.                     broadly felt.   Underutilized buildings will
        change to address the pressing issues facing   networks. Faculty must be given additional                                                   create opportunities for public-private
        the world today.                               support to address increased demands and                                                     partnerships, creative space use and             New York Times | Interest Surges in
                                                       hybrid learning approaches.  This could                                                      opportunities to bring in community use.         Top Colleges, While Struggling Ones
                                                       include prototyping labs, learning labs,                                                     Demand for elite institutions is projected to    Scrape for Applicants
        The Hybrid Model is Here to Stay               hybrid workspaces, hybrid meeting spaces                                                     continue to rise, causing a greater disparity
                                                       and tech support and training.                                                               in needs and resources.
        If there was one consensus among the
        educators we talked to, the hybrid model                                                     Changing Metrics                               Technology for Human Needs
        is here to stay. Teaching and learning         Learning is Social
        environments must be configured to allow                                                                                                                                                        “Given the radical disruption of
        for those engaging in classes, meetings, and   Social learning is fundamental to the college   Human-centered design shifts the focus       Emerging technologies provide the                   COVID requiring a transition to virtual
        study groups remotely to feel integrated       experience.  Those who learn in groups        to delivering the best possible learning       opportunity to create spaces that can               learning (eg. Zoom formats), how can
        into the experience. Microphones, cameras,     are more likely to work through tough         experience.  With online learning being        actively adapt to student and faculty needs.        we use these new virtual formats in
        and speakers can be distributed to provide a   problems and will be more engaged in the      able to alleviate the demands on space use     Sensors and online scheduling software can          new innovative ways that sustain and
        sense of the space’s ambient nature to those   material.  Campus environments need to        across campus, there is an opportunity         track classroom use.  Other sensors may             builds relationships?”
        joining remotely. New technology platforms     promote connection and collaboration and      to adapt existing spaces to promote            track user preference in terms of climate,
        are emerging to make both in-person and        learning environments should be adapted       connection, social interaction and to provide  daylight, room set-up and air quality.  The         Dr Ellen Junn
        remote learning more socially interactive.     to promote social learning at a variety of    students with unique experiences.              potential is enormous, and so are the               President CSU Stanislaus
        Faculty need more support and training to      scales.                                                                                      potential ethical and privacy issues.
        adapt to new models.

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