Page 8 - EHDD ONEder Grant Report
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“There are 50 states all of which have
IMPACTS OF THE PANDEMIC ON STUDENTS AND FACULTY different regulations around online
education. California is the only state
There will be lasting impacts that is not part of a national agreement.
There is real work to do there.”
Elizabeth J. Beaven, EdD, Provost,
California Institute of Integrated Studies
60% of college students reported 30% of college students thought
“feeling disconnected from my they would be more likely
friends” as the most challenging to learn online in the future
aspect of being enrolled in school
during the coronavirus pandemic.
“I don’t feel like I can represent myself well online. A Resources and References
“Interaction among students is key. huge strength of mine is talking to people and in person
The social bonds formed under interactions, but now that things are online I feel like
the (hopefully) inspired pursuit of Surveys:
The Importance of Connection Distanced Learning Experiences Have collective learning, hard work, and a huge part of my skills are gone. I don’t believe I can Student Experience Snapshot |
properly capture my whole self online, especially since
Varied Greatly creative exploration. This does I don’t have a traditional background. My online and in
When asked about the most challenging not happen with online teaching. person self are not the same.” Brightspot
aspects of the Pandemic on their college A recurring theme in our discussions with Students feel isolated and lost. Brightspot/WeWork Student Survey
Their attention span is quickly
experience, 60% of students ranked educators was a feeling that the hybrid zapped by Zoom, and their sense of - Student Educause Budget Survey
disconnected from their friends as the learning model is here to stay. We heard collective alienation is exacerbated.
greatest challenge. For the students a wide range of faculty and students’ It’s a mistake to translate the “social Articles:
and faculty we talked to, it was also the perspectives on how successful remote dynamics of the professional “What I am missing from last year is moving between The Connected Campus | Brightspot
potential for serendipitous interaction they teaching and learning has been in the workplace” onto them.” classes and getting vibes and energies from everyone.” Strategy
missed. Students talked about missing past year. For those students in California - Educator - Student
out on meeting new friends, walking by that opted not to return to classes for the “ In response to demographic, social,
a club meeting and being inspired or Fall of 2021, 82% cited uncertainty about economic, and technological change,
coerced to join, or the stranger they saw online learning or new class formats as the institutions will need to change
every day at the cafe but had not gotten reason. Campuses will need to figure out “Virtual learning is a sad “Part of being in a big university is that you run into and their offerings, their organization,
replacement, grasping
the courage to talk to yet. The social how to leverage online learning benefits material is so much harder.” meet a lot of people. You form passive, not as intimate, and their operations. Doing so
relationships with people when you walk on a large
aspects are so intertwined with place with the need to provide effective learning campus. Without those interactions you feel small.” will mean more fully utilizing their
and sensory experience that they are experiences with students. - Student campuses, embracing a life-cycle
impossible to replace remotely. These are - Student view and evidence-based design, and
the experiences that impact the most. preparing for a blended world that
Technology is an Equity Issue mixes domains long separated – work
“[The pandemic] made me and learning, on-campus and online,
Demands on Faculty Have Increased move back home to save some
When campuses were shutting down, money. I have lost contact academia and industry.”
Faculty have been faced with increased students who relied upon on-campus with many of my friends and “Professors are a lot more intimate during online
zoom office hours as there’s a sense of shared
demands to support online and hybrid internet access, software, and hardware to have lost a lot of motivation. humanity between you two. In general, they seem Social Connections Matter Now More
approaches learning while facing the do their work, the Pandemic meant losing I find it hard to communicate more excited to talk and email you things that are Than Ever | The Christensen Institute
and catch up with friends and
challenges of childcare, technology, working access to education. Access to technology is see little to no point in social fun and outside the scope of the class.”
from home, and access to healthcare. a huge equity issue that must be addressed extracurriculars.” “Social distancing threatens to
in the coming years. -Student crumble an array of social scaffolds
They require additional support to teach - Student and even chance encounters that
in new and evolving approaches. A report The new budget survey by EDUCAUSE help students get by and get ahead.
released by the RAND Corporation in June found that “many higher education IT That could yield immense losses to
2020 found that 31% of educators said they budgets were reduced, just as institutions “Everything academic is on zoom and it is so much more tiring than in person meetings. As teachers students’ reservoirs of social capital,
had problems providing remote instruction. are more dependent on IT than ever before, we have to think how we can alleviate that, how we can have built in mental health consideration and particularly for those who need it
Teaching a course effectively online is very contributing to a growing institutional digital breaks to make sure we set students up for success.” most. Education systems need to
embrace a two-fold mission: triaging
different from teaching in-person. Support divide.” Providing robust tech support to an academic crisis and a social crisis.”
could include ongoing training, a learning students and faculty could also help bridge - Educator
innovation lab, multi-media facilities, and the widening tech gap.
robust tech support.